Female Energy & the Darkness: Encountering Transformative Grace

October 23rd, 2024 at 5:00pm Pacific (Los Angeles)
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Female Energy & the Darkness: Encountering Transformative Grace
Open to Women. No Clairvoyant experience necessary!
Wednesday, October 23
2pm Hawaii – 5pm Pacific – 8pm Eastern
1.5 hours
There is a healthy, beautiful, nourishing darkness,
this one comes at night time and allows us deep rich delicious renewing sleep.
There is rich darkness under and within the Earth.
It nourishes, seeds, dreams, plants, food crops, and so much more.
There is a darkness that is holy and it is part of the sacred.
It live-in the temple of the autumn, of the soul and of the mystery.
In our society, however, dark and light have been deeply polarized.
This causes us as women, a lot of pain, shame and discomfort in our hearts, our souls and our bodies.
The line that has been drawn in the sand, between what is dark, and what is light,
is not as well defined, as we are led to believe by modern culture.
A transformation is called for and this is just the time of year to have it.
There’s a lot of gray area, and in order to be whole and healthy; which is what we addressed last month… we need to find grace with the darkness as well as in the large gray area.
We need to find peace and sweetness with the darkness that is in ourselves, and,
in our families, workspaces and certainly in our society.
We are going to encounter darkness in various individuals, situation and experiences.
How can we as women stay in a receptive flow?
How can be say magnetic in the divine and be filled with starlight, magic and nourishment?
How can we live in grace with darkness?
Come, join us and will take this journey together. We look forward to seeing you! This workshop will provide us each with a deep and real transformation.
Some fabulous Goddess Beings will be present and provide us each
Some Profound Healing!
To receive past classes in this series, go here.
Upcoming Classes in this Series:
November: Female Energy and Miracles: Creating in this Energy Level in every day Life
The Latin root or miracle is Miracullum. Which means “object of wonder”. You go further back, and this derived from the word Smeiros. Meaning to make you smile, which is exactly what we do when a miracle happens!
We will really look into the frequency of a miracle. It’s a certain rate of vibration. We will consider this vibration during the workshop. As we are able to experience, understand, accept, have, welcome and receive as women… this vibration… It will pour more and more profoundly into all the aspects of our lives.
We can have miracles in our personal lives, our career lives, and on our spiritual journeys. They can happen to people around us… We can create a sphere that we live in where this miracle vibration is just humming. Others will benefit and we will begin to do that during this workshop.
There are things that get in the way of this, so we will be addressing them! Letting a lot of them go and creating a space for ourselves in this incarnation, for time and space to be in a place of wonder, the place of smiling, the place where miracles are born! Lets join into this vibration and leave the workshop carrying it within us!
December: Female Energy and the Holy Grail: Healing with Mother Mary and Angel Gabriel
Mother, Mary and the Archangel Gabriel are a dream team in the season of light, which is December. These are the energic supports that help us birth the gold, or Christed vibration inside of us.
One of the births that we as women are all hardwired to have is the birth of this beautiful gold in our own beings. A gold that’s so brilliant, and so full of love and acceptance that it brings us radiance from the inside all the way to the outside. This is a radiance that spreads, like little golden bubbles and fabulous sparkles, all through December and then blossoms into a new year! Let’s together, have this process. Can’t wait!
That’s our goal. Come join us. We’re pretty excited to be working with Mary and Gabriel at the same time. I’m sure you will be too!
Led by Rev. Lisa French
Founder of the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii & Magic Isle
Lisa is an Executive Director of Magic isle & of The Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii. She has been a practicing spiritual teacher & healer for 38 years.