About Our Events

Magic Isle offers magical classes and workshops exploring the Great Mystery in many forms! Many classes are open to all-levels of spiritual seekers.
Some of these are past series that you can receive via audio download. Some of these series are happening currently. Check out our calendar of events!

Angelic Healing & Meditation Series
The entire cosmos is guided, managed and animated by myriad hierarchies of conscious angelic light beings. In someway, they are all messengers or agents of the divine. They work together in an intricately & infinitely glorious and well orchestrated system. They are brilliant communicators & healers who have profound gifts. You will find that music, light, vibration & color grace the way in which they communicate.
You will receive the opportunity to learn about each type of angelic being, as well as how to connect with & establish communication with them. You will get to experience their healing for yourself, as well as learn how to help provide for others.
The whole hierarchy of angelic beings and principalities is quite elaborate and complex. In this meditation series, we will focus on those angelic beings that can come into direct contact with us. They can help us have brilliant clarity with ourselves & with Great Spirit during our lives on Earth!
In each class you will also receive some suggestions for continuing your meditations and your perception of these wonderful beings. The intent is to be able to integrate the wisdom, healing and medicine they hold into your busy lifestyle, as well as within your daily awareness and consciousness.
There are many types of light beings who administrate well-being for all of us and for the earth.
About the Teacher:
Rev. Lisa French has been teaching spiritual classes for over 35 years and has been learning and growing with the angles throughout her adult life. The angels have asked her to bring their medicine forth and help people understand with greater clarity, how to have it & how to access it.
Go here to purchase audio downloads of past classes in this series.
Women's Monthly Workshops
Female energy is very special and often very misunderstood in our present culture. In this series, we explore and discover the secrets to our own miraculous female energy systems. Our energy flows entirely differently than men's. Because of this, we have to manage our energies & realties very differently than they do. This series is geared towards helping you as a woman, to understand, heal & be abundant in your unique energy system….to cherish and honor your unique and creative powers.
You will learn to really let go of limits, hurts & relics of the past, so you can receive all that will fulfill your wellbeing, your life & your soul in the present. Key note: Receive!
One of the great abilities of women is to be able to hold anything in your body. This is a gift and yet sometimes we hold onto things that are not in harmony with us. We often hold hurt, pain, stuck emotion, limits, etc. We dedicate a section of each workshop to using some powerful feminine energetic tools, to simply let this stuff go. This is profoundly healing.
We often have depleted magnetic fields which limit our well being & prosperity. We will work in each workshop with healing and rebuilding this little realized, yet essential female energy field. Without a healthy magnetic field, we will remain depleted or unable to to fully fulfilled in our lives.
Female energy is receptive. Learn to be more picky about what you receive!
Included in every workshop is a healing session with some powerful Goddess Beings (who have transcended the Earth experience). These specific Goddess beings come into our classroom and give us some profoundly generous and deep, rich healings. This is a rare and precious gift.
Come join us!
The Process:
1) A lecture on the topic of the month, gets things stirred up, laughing, and ready for the profound healings to come.
2) We meditate together, using specific female energy tools for releasing energies that you have held onto, that are in the way of your overall wellness, prosperity and joy. It is such a relief to clear these vibration….like letting go of stones from the bowl of light of your body.
3) You will receive deep, clear & heart full healing, from the Goddesses.
4) Sharing, Short Break, Questions
5) After the break, we take an inner journey through a beautiful inner landscape, to a sacred place of healing. On each journey you receive communication, gifts, answers & healing as you travel sacred pathways to healing places. We go to glorious & powerful inner landscapes, such as warm mountain pools or the cave of the singer’s where women have visited for many ages, to renew, revive and awaken to their own truths.
This powerful series for women, opens an enormous door for you to release, heal and receive, receive, receive! Work with your own feminine essence in the company of other magical women like yourself. No matter where you are on this good earth, the power of Hawaii's islands, the ocean and the volcanoes adds active spice to the flow of energy & healing.
Go here to purchase audio downloads of past classes in this series.
Healing & Growing with the Animals
Animal guides offer wisdom and power. Animal Allies can bring a tremendous sense of comfort & peace. They are steady, constant, pure, devoted and powerful.
The animal friends are real, sincere and wanting to work with us to support us on our life journeys.
Spirit animals can be guides in life, directing us in the right direction and teaching us along the way. We begin to find ways to reconnect, to deepen, to communicate, to love and to more joyfully participate in the dance of life.
With the help of animals, we begin to remember our own essential selves in a way that is nourishing, safe and liberating.
One of our goals in this series will be to bring greater awareness to our inner selves and allow us to walk our paths in ways that bring clarity to our higher purpose.
In each class, we will be visiting a different animal and learning about this animal as a teacher and a healer. We will be doing meditations and journeys where we each experience the vibrational medicine that this animal offers.
You will get to know each animal and more specifically, to know one you can call on and work with. It’s pretty handy to know when to call on a bear, or a hummingbird or maybe it’s most important to call elephant at that moment. We will be opening to the teachings and wisdom of the animal’s by meditation and spirit journeys in which we experience them.
The animals teach us that the intelligence of nature is all around us. It’s simply waiting for us to reach out with open hearts and receive its guidance.
When we turn our attention to the amazing world of animal life, to the teachings they have to share, we open ourselves to a vibrant, interconnected world full of spiritual truths and transformational insights.
The animals are scintillating companions upon the journey of life and in and out of the sacred dream. In this series, we will visit bear, elephant, hummingbird, whale, lion, owl, dolphin, dragonfly, horse, bee…to name a few!
About the Teacher:
Rev. Lisa French has been teaching spiritual classes for over 36 years. She also has a degree in shamanic & sacred arts. She has been learning and growing with the animals throughout her adult life. The animals have asked her to help them bring their medicine forth so people understand with greater clarity, how to have it & how to access it.
Go here to purchase audio downloads of past classes in this series.
Tree of Life Series:
Finding Prosperity, Miracles & Clarity
We are all made with the spark of the divine. The 10 sephiroth of the tree of life, are a vehicle for bringing the divine into a manifest state.
The sephiroth are the round disks onthe tree of life. Each is in a unique & relevant position to support the creative process of all of life.
Working with the Sefirot allows us to get into a living stream of light, nourishment, creativity & so much more. As we enter that state, using the tree, we can manifest astounding creations, experiences, visions, circumstances, relationships and so much more in our lives.
This starts with the top of the tree and works down, until we have built some potent magic & rooted it into our lives and our experience.
We also get to weave together and work with (vs. in conflict with) both male and female energy.
The left side of the tree is feminine & the right side is masculine. The tree of life as we adventure with it, has its source roots, in the teachings of the Quabalah / Kabbalah.
You may be familiar with it, if you have studied the tarot, which means the law in Hebrew.
There will be instances where you can see & learn, how the tarot intersects the tree of life.
The word Seraph in Hebrew means angel.
This tree is a powerful way to interface with the angels and receive their support.
In this class we will encounter, learn about and discover:
- Experiencing grace from our crown to our roots.
- We will about each of the two sephiroth and want they mean.
- This will be a journey through the stages of or emanations of light… igniting the reality of bringing more of that brilliancen& aliveness into a deeper place of awareness, grace & manifest reality here, in your life, on Earth.
- You will discover knowledge about & work with each of the ten Sephiroth as ten forces of creation, as well as faculties of the soul.
- You will learn about the two sides of the tree.
- You will discover different paths, triangles and movements within the tree, the absolute permeates all space.
The absolute in itself is without substance. Its’ like a field of rich earth in which you can grow anything.
The tree is a vessel in which to know the absolute and scale the vibration down to grow anything on earth.
These sephiroth intervene between the divine source & your created world.
They are keys to understanding, creating and living in harmony with your path and the system we all live within,
Each Class includes:
- Specific Teachings on the sephiroth, stories, symbols and depths
- Humorous illuminations on how to live with this position on the tree, in your daily life.
- How to use this sephiroth to receive light and radiance in your life.
- Meditations offered to enhance what you discover.
- Sacred healing journeys
- Knowledge of how this Sephiroth fits onto the tree of life
- Where relevant, the paths of the tree.
Lisa French. Lisa is an Executive Director of Magic Isle & The Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii. She has been a practicing spiritual teacher & healer for 38 years. She was introduced to tarot by her mother at age 14 & the magic started to flow. As she studied the 22 keys of the tarot, she also discovered and began to work with The tree of life. Lisa has a huge calling to present this class & is very excited to share it with you. She will do it in a context, in which you can experience it & grow your understanding of it, through your own experience.
Go here to purchase audio downloads of past classes in this series.
Astrology & Your Inner Star
A Spiritual Journey Through the Seasons,
the Constellations & Your Own Soul
We can each be Nourished by the Stars!
This class series is available by download.
Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac is a tremendous gateway into a land created for the soul's journey of life. Join us as we travel through the 12 seasons in 12 months.
By learning about each sign in the season that it rules, we’ll be riding the wave of natural energy the heavens provide around us & within us.
We will each find more space to be in the moment and to work with the energy of what is real & current. This class is for your soul, it is for achieving a greater harmonic in your body & in your daily life all throughout the year. When we align our journey with the stars, the stars feed us, our dreams, creations, our work, our relationships et all!
We are going to study the soul of the 12 astrological signs and how they effect your deepest inner flow of energy, of inspiration, of mana, of strength/power, light & movement. You will meditate with the stars and gain new awareness of how each month, each star cycle, each sign effects you and effects all of life through the seasons of the year!
You will learn about the constellations and how the radiance in them works to awaken you, fine tune you, test you, etc.
Life plays on the strings on your soul; in the different seasons it chooses different ways to do this, like a variety of instruments to help you know the song in your own spirit.
Learn how to be more aware of it so that you can enjoy the flow of magic and music that is offered for you. The more we understand it, the more we can move gracefully with it!
Class Includes:
Monthly class & meditations that you are welcome to do throughout the month to increase and stimulate learning and awareness.
Monthly task Sheets will be sent to you in a word format. These are optional for your continued meditations, growth & studies.
You will receive a copy of the recorded meditations you can listen to and repeat whenever you like, through the seasons of your life.
A 13-part class
The class starts with learning some fundamentals about how its all designed.
The first class will orient each of us into the star map and get us set up for the season to come!
Get ready for some wonderful mediations as you learn and study the rhythms of the stars, elements & modes in time!
You will receive the class by digital download.
The gates are opened for you to gain greater insight, knowing, vision and connectedness so you can feel in your cells & know in your being the energy of the season, the urge from formlessness into creation...and how to create in sync with it!
This class is open to all people with no prerequisite.
This is a great class for those who know little, nothing or for those who a lot about astrology.
We will study and learn about each sign in its season so you can learn for yourself how to work with the rhythm that is offered to you by the stars.
Every season of your earth walk is effected by the astrological sign that rules it, its element, its, energy,
its vibration; all of it conspires to help you as a soul personality in your development.
You will be entered into the flow of seasons; many angelic beings who guide the stars will be working with your energy field both here and in the dream-time.
Note: This class will be helpful for any individuals seeking greater self awareness and a more profound awareness of the cosmos in which they live. It will also be helpful for any healers or practitioners of the wellness arts in achieving a greater understanding of the human psyche, heart and body.
Class Goals:
To help you understand and live in peace with the 12 signs of the zodiac as they manifest in you, around you, within the seasons of the year, and in others around you.
To learn about the 4 elements; fire, earth, air and water. Through the gateway of the elements, one gains great keys in how to understand ones self (and others), physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!
To gain knowledge through leaning how to understand the simplicity of the basic astrology symbols.
To gain knowledge about the physical body parts and the astrological signs that rule specific areas, so one can have optimal wellness in your manifest body.
To assist you in the process of knowing yourself. To de-energize seriousness and complication in regard to astrology and have some fun. We will bring more light into the body!
We will study the astrological constellations; Do amazing meditations where we journey within each sign and meet the key players.
By learning about each sign in the season that it rules; we’ll be riding the wave of natural energy the heavens provide for us and in us.
We look forward to a most enlightening adventure and star medicine we can each incorporate into our daily lives!
Go here to purchase audio downloads of past classes in this series.
Journey through the Tarot:
The 22 Steps of Heavenly Enlightenment
The 22 paths of Radiance & Illumination: A Road Map on the Path Enlightenment in Returning Home
Ever need a Road Map? Pretty darn helpful!
This one is ageless. You can use it in any era, in any part of the world. The map is a journey through the 22 states of human consciousness, initiation, truth and awakening. Each of these 22 steps is part of a path and each contains a key. Each of them are experiences we can all have. Using the keys is combination that opens the lock of enlightenment. Any situation or event can be understood through the truth of these tremendous keys! This journey is called: “The Path of Return”
Our class will be Featuring the 22 major tarot keys and their teachings. You will learn to understand each key and the path it offers you.
Each tarot key holds a unique aspect of the path of enlightenment. Some have been greatly misunderstood. Learning them allows you tremendous perspective.
Long ago when various sects and religions decided that only theirs were the true teachings, sages and teachers took all the teachings of radiance and enlightenment and placed them in a set of pictures. These were designed so that to the untrained they would simply look like a card game. In this way the teachings could be preserved throughout the ages and those who carried them would not be persecuted. They could continue to pass them along though the generations so they would not be lost. They are now available to each of you; and perhaps for you pass on to others so the light of awareness and knowledge never vanishes.
An image is worth a 1,000 words. We are going to have a wonderful time leaning how to understand & work with the pictures.
In each class, we will look at a key and through the imagery, discover some of the secrets of what will bring us freedom, mobility and joy. The wisdom offered here is about your immortal self, yet contained here are the secrets to a wonderful everyday life. Come join us to create total freedom for your innermost spirit! What a great adventure!
Each Class includes:
- Specific Teachings on the card, the stories, symbols and depths
- Humorous illuminations on how to live with this path in your daily life.
- How to use this card to receive light and radiance in your life.
- Meditations on the path offered by the particular key we are discovering.
- Sacred journeys into the world of the card so you can truly experience it.
- You will receive hand outs detailing some important and basic teachings for your personal use.
- Coloring instructions for those of you who choose to color your own keys.
- Knowledge of how this path fits onto the tree of life
Each card has a color, a musical note, an intelligence, a planet or sign, a concept and a letter. Each of these contain incredible gateways into the cards specific teachings….and helps to illuminate them for you.
We recommend you get a blank tarot keys you can color as part of the awakening should you choose to. (Contact us for details about how to get this.) This is an option, not required. Coloring them allows the teachings into the body mind and the low self or subconscious.
Come join us for a magical journey and a gift you give yourself that you can continue to use through your whole life!
About the Teacher:
Rev. Lisa French received her first tarot deck from her mother at age 14. She studied with her mother and then with world renown teacher Jason Lotterhand and his apprentice Maud Renderstein in the California Bay Area for many years. She’s journeyed the world with them and met with others who carry these sacred sets of images everywhere they go.
When she was 19 she attend an event deep in the desert of New Mexico. All of her belongings except the clothes she wore and her cards were stolen. She spent the week reading the cards and teaching others how to use them for personal growth in exchange for food, clothing and lodging.
She’ll tell you the story, it was a very clear communication from the powers of light that she was to continue to present these cards to others.
Lisa has discovered much about this path of illumination. These cards have helped her for a long time and she is very excited to share them with you!
Go here to purchase audio downloads of past classes in this series.
Growing & Healing Through Fairy Tales
A Magnificent Adventure in Women’s Well Being
Hello Women! Remember “Once upon a time”?
Some of the stories were lovely. Some? Not so much. Does that sound like our journey through life?
Each of the classic Fairy Tales contains powerful metaphors that can help us transform our challenges and discover greater joy in the stories of our own lives.
They were all written to help demystify and to illuminate classic difficulties, wishes, teachings, gifts, fears, and joys that each of us has regardless of our backgrounds, age, creed, ethnicity, and even choices.
Are we hung up on some of the syndromes illustrated within these classic stories? Are we sometimes missing a step? Can the teachings help us become clearer, happier, more prosperous?
Can they help us in our relationships?
This is what they were written to do. We will journey through them and see where we may be fluid and where we may be a little messy. We will look at beginnings, middles, and endings. In each story, which part or parts of the story may relate to your life? Which characters do you personally relate to and which ones are now or have been part of your life's journey?
We will be working with the teachings in 12 major fairy tales.
We will work with each one and how it may relate to us and our lives.
Certain these tend to recur in the lives of women, simply because we are a little sticky on that part of the story or with that character, etc.
We are going to work as much as possible with the original versions, not the dandified ones.
Though fun, many of the stories have been altered and thus vital teachings have been left out.
Some of the stores we will have our adventures with:
- Cinderella ~ The Power Returns ~
- Sleeping Beauty ~ Awakening from Slumber
- The Little Mermaid ~ Giving up for Love
- Snow White ~ Reflections of Love?
- Little red Riding hood ~ Sovereignty & The Wolf
- Thumbelina ~ Finding your Right Place
- Rapunzel ~ Freedom from Enchantment ~
- The Frog Prince ~ Love & the Depths ~
Diamonds and Toads ~ Reflections in Tears ~ - Rumplestiltskin ~ Tricking Ignorance
- The Little Match Girl ~ From darkness to Light
All familiar tales but looked at from different angles they become mirrors into gateways within a women's soul.
Our goal is to free ourselves from the binds of the past and the illusions we have fostered.
It's also to integrate the wisdom contained in the images and metaphors so we can use it to be happy, to be wise, and to be awake on this lovely earth.
We will do this by discovering more about the stories, meditations, journeys and if you choose, journaling.
This Class includes:
- One monthly class download
- Basic story outline sent as a file you can download
- Guided meditations in class that you can also do on your own
- Journaling suggestions that allow you to continue to integrate throughout the month
Go here to purchase audio downloads of past classes in this series.