Chocolate for Clairoyance?
MANY CREATIVE PEOPLE, CAPABLE PEOPLE, (such as yourself?) PEOPLE OF DREAMS AND VISSION CRAVE CHOCOLATE. Want to know one of the reasons WHY? Chocolate For Clairvoyance? A simple definition for clairvoyance is “Clear Seeing”. The pineal gland located near the center of the head in the area of the third eye contains our 6th sense. … Read more
Fairies & Cats
One day I was sitting meditating in my yard, and I was distracted by the antics of my cat. He’s crossed over now, but at the time he was a huge orange glory, with big red spirals painted on his sides. His name was Teddy. He was a soft, ecstatic, very loving cat. Definitely more … Read more
Understanding Female Energy
There are a lot of different trainings for women being offered these days. It’s rather overwhelming, so many different offerings, and so many things to learn… They talk a lot about success. So many things to study so many things to do, sometimes it’s simply too much & it’s important to simplify. The truth is: … Read more
The Journey Home
When I first began taking beginning Clairvoyant classes, I was told this amazing thing. I was told that within me, were all of my answers. That the only information that would ultimately nourish me and get me where I need to go, was my own. Huh? Haha, this sounded great, however, it confused me. I … Read more
Clairvoyant Seeds
About 40 years ago, I went to a flea market and found a book on crystals. I also bought a small piece of quartz crystal. I had no idea what to do with it all. I let it simply fill a shelf for a long time, until one day my curiosity erupted. I began to … Read more
Angels of Abundance
I love to sit and listen to the angel meditations I lead! I recently I listened to the angels of abundance. Lots of people are talking about abundance, different ways of creating it, visualizing it, intending it, setting goals, getting coaching… That it is limitless, etc. A lot of this involves lots of thinking. What … Read more
When Did I Start Talking to Dragons?
I was considering, when did I start talking to dragons? I think I’ve always have been having discussions with dragons, but at a certain point, I realized it. I was in meditation some years back, and I was conversing with this wise old ancient voice that was incredibly deep and so pure. I was quite … Read more