About Magic Isle


Magic Isle / Hale Ola Pono is a non-profit spiritual organization created on the Big Island of Hawaii in 1997.

Hale Ola Pono is Hawaiian and translates to "The House of Healing." Thus it is our intent in all that we offer, that we may be a place where people from all nationalities, backgrounds, orientations and ages can heal, remember and find comfort in our own unique vibration. From here we can venture forward with awareness and a strong sense of self, passion, wellbeing and creativity. Though we were founded in Hawaii, our students are from all across the world like stars and constellations glowing with tremendous light.

We are an educational center. The Greek roots of the word "education" means: "to bring out from within." That means that in all our classes, meditations & counselings: It is about creating a space where you get to discover the truth and answers that are within you.

You gain strength, energy, certainty that your best resources & information will flow from within you. You learn where to look, how to access this part of you, and develop trust in yourself. What could be better than that?!

The Big Island of Hawaii is renowned for its intensely spiritual energy. Being the newest land on earth as well as housing one of the only consistently active volcanoes in the world, the island facilitates this work, charging it like a battery or power conductor. You can receive this from anywhere! You can be anywhere on earth and this stunning power will support your process.

You are an astounding & special being. We are all on a journey of life. Sometimes the muddy waters of past experiences cloud our present and our future…You can be renewed and clear the energies that got stuck and created blocks in the flow of your light.

The Hawaiians saw each of us are given a bowl of light. From birth on, we can acquire stones (from other people, events, circumstances and unfortunate deductions) in our bowl of light. In all the work we do here, we are removing the stones from our bowls so the living water within us, can be clear, sparkling, alive and vibrant. In this restored state, we are inspired, alive and enthusiastic within our potential!

We hold the vision for you to realize that
within each of us is the pathway to the Divine.


"Kealakekua Bay in the Morning" by Nnachappa64, licensed under CC BY 4.0

The journey is the goal. When you participate in Magic Isle classes, you will journey to discover your own inner pathway to the wisdom of your Higher Self.

Magic Isle / Hale Ola Pono, and our sister school the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii, were both founded and created on Hawaii’s Big Island above Kealakekua Bay, which means in the Hawaiian language "Pathway to the Gods”.

Kealakekua Bay symbolizes this divine journey, and Magic Isle infuses all of our classes, programs and events with this effervescent energy. Growing and learning in this vibration allows us to be saturated with transformational healing energies so we may each contact the pathway to the god / goddess within.

The Big Island of Hawaii is renowned for its intensely spiritual energy. Being the newest land on earth as well as housing one of the only consistently active volcanoes in the world, the power of the island facilitates our work as much as Spirit does.

Join us from anywhere on the planet and receive some enriching healings, potent discoveries & radiant transformations!
