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Female Energy and Water: Renewing Yin & Discovering your Truth in 2025


January 22nd, 2025 at 5:00pm Pacific (Los Angeles)

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Female Energy and Water: Renewing Yin & Discovering your Truth in 2025
Open to Women. No Clairvoyant experience necessary!
Wednesday, January 22
3pm Hawaii – 5pm Pacific – 8pm Eastern
1.5 hours

Welcome to 2025, with a goal in this series of nourishing, your most miraculous feminine essence. One of the ways we find what is true for us, in a female body is to follow the flow of the river… or the yin, which is the feminine within us.

Deep within, we all know how to do this…..but have sometimes been going in a different direction. This workshop will provide the gentle reminders needed to return to awareness of this inner river.

In a female body, in order to create and live our dreams, to be fulfilled in all ways, we must replenish our feminine essence or yin. It is easily depleted by doing, giving, being busy, mismanaged emotion, dramas, demands, etc.

This month, we will receive healing from some very potent goddesses. We will release things that have been in our way, so we can enter into a mystical fluid that heals restores and renews us. This wonderful fluid, contains the essence of an extraordinary state, one that can nourish us to our very depths. Most of us are somewhat parched. Let’s absorb this fluid, be restored and gain more space for an overall awareness of what is true for us, as well as how to live in our truth in the year to come.

When the yin is restored, we can attract all things needful, which could be a source of great delight in 2025. Come join us.

To receive past classes in this series, go here.

Rev. Lisa French, Founder of Magic Isle and the Clairvoyant Center of HawaiiLed by Rev. Lisa French
Founder of the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii & Magic Isle

Lisa is an Executive Director of Magic isle & of The Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii. She has been a practicing spiritual teacher & healer for 38 years.


2025 Classes in this Series:


January: Female Energy and Water: Renewing Yin & Discovering your Truth in 2025


Welcome to 2025, with a goal in this series of nourishing, your most miraculous feminine essence. One of the ways we find what is true for us, in a female body is to follow the flow of the river… or the yin, which is the feminine within us.

Deep within, we all know how to do this…..but have sometimes been going in a different direction. This workshop will provide the gentle reminders needed to return to awareness of this inner river.

In a female body, in order to create and live our dreams, to be fulfilled in all ways, we must replenish our feminine essence or yin. It is easily depleted by doing, giving, being busy, mismanaged emotion, dramas, demands, etc.

This month, we will receive healing from some very potent goddesses. We will release things that have been in our way, so we can enter into a mystical fluid that heals restores and renews us. This wonderful fluid, contains the essence of an extraordinary state, one that can nourish us to our very depths. Most of us are somewhat parched. Let’s absorb this fluid, be restored and gain more space for an overall awareness of what is true for us, as well as how to live in our truth in the year to come.

When the yin is restored, we can attract all things needful, which could be a source of great delight in 2025.

Come join us.

February: Female Energy, Your Radiant Male & Your Magnetic Female, Navigating a Balance


We each have, both masculine and feminine energy flowing inside of us. In our culture, we have been encouraged to be one or the other, which gets in the way of being whole. We must have a delicious mix of both, to feel freedom, to feel luscious, for things to balance out and work in our best interest in our daily lives.

Of course in a female body, that is unconditionally the operating system and it operates differently than in a male body. In a flow of life from within the feminine is where we must learn to balance the two, male and female.

We will release many of the instructions of how we’re supposed to manage our energy… Let go of obstacles… other people‘s directives… We will let go of any invalidation of who we really are as women, so that we can get to the strength of our own masculine, and the rich receptivity of our own feminine.

We will work to rebuild some of our masculine radiance and feminine magnetism. Sound delicious? It will be. Some potent goddess beings will come help us, we will release a lot and take a journey to help us reset.

Let’s restore a state of feeling valid and validated, a place where we can find balance, lose it and find it again more and more easily throughout our life’s journeys. Come join us!

March: Female Energy & Awakening Bliss: Clearing Karmic Debris


Bliss definition: Bliss is a state of complete happiness or joy.Sounds like a good plan? Right?OK, so we know the past can get in the way of the present and the future. In this workshop, we will be doing some major cleansing and cleanup, so that we can enter spring with a new “spring in our steps”. So that we can feel that we’re moving through a flow of freedom and having more space to be ourselves, tap into our bliss and make clear decisions.

Karma in a nutshell, is unfinished business. We often carry quite a lot of the bits and pieces or energetic debris from … many unfinished cycles. We will get some very helpful support from powerful goddesses, in clearing a big layer of this old material.

We will get a taste of our own bliss. This comes from truly being able to be in the present and flow gently in the river of our being….without a bunch of hazards and toxins in the water! As women, we tend to hold onto things… Lets let go of some of it! Come join us so that together, we can all really let go of old toxic stuff and bring in spring. Time to discover a renewed state of bliss.

April: Female Energy & Your Life’s Rhythm: Getting in Sync with Your Movement & Your Soul


We all have had schedules throughout our lives. Often we’ve lost our personal rhythm to the rhythms of the things we must do, the meetings we must make, the tasks we are designated for, places we go, and the people we need to accommodate. With the way the world works… We’re not going to change having a schedule… what we can do, is begin the process of liberating a part of ourselves that began to match or become the rhythm of the schedule … versus the rhythm of the flow. We want to restore the fluid of our own inner river of magic, restoring both its flow and our relationship with that flow.

Goal: allowing this inner river, to move through us with ease and grace….. restoring our true sense of self and our equilibrium. This way, we can do all the busy things, but within the container of all those busy things, the movement and the calibration of our own fluid nature, has the opportunity to still sing free.

Come join us we will be supported by some powerful goddess healers and the guides for the year, the Griffin and the Water Dragon.

May: Female Energy & Moonlight: How to be Healed, Restored & Nourished by the Mystery


Moonlight lives in a realm, that we call the mystery. The mystery is infinitely nourishing, quite stimulating, powerfully insightful, immediately magical, richly wondrous, potently feminine and absolutely delightful.The moonlight opens an enchanting portal for us to embrace the mystery and be supported within it. Sadly, our current world hasn’t held a lot of space for the mystery to be. So many have forgotten its value. They want to solve it, vs. allow it to be. With the Internet, all of the disclosure, a modern tendency to reveal so much of ourselves in social media…. There is an emphasis of the masculine vibration, saying we have to explain everything… there must be a reason for everything. This diminishes our ability to live within the mystery; to let the mystery cloak us, heal us, liberate us, enrich us and inspire us.

The moonlight and the mystery will take care of us, feed us, nourish us, inspire us and bring us back home to ourselves. Come join us. We will be receiving healing by astounding moon goddesses, by the beautiful moon herself. We will allow the moon and the essence of this time together, to restore our ability to be fluid within the mystery and know our place within it.

June: Female Energy & the Sacred Pearl: Using it to be Restored, Abundant & Energized


Pearls are concentrated feminine. They hold a magnetic energetic of pure and potent yin. They are absolutely medicinal to women, in every way…..It might be accurate to say, that pearls are woman’s best friend, versus diamonds! Wow! Pearls sooth, heal, energize and perhaps most importantly, they restore us and feed our luminosity.Each of us is born with three luminous pearls alive within us. In this workshop, we will learn and consider what they are, what do they mean, how to care for them and how they care for you. These pearls for women, are a source of our abundance, if they are healthy, we attract more and more of what we need and want. Like? Love, manifest goods, time, resources, experiences, communication, connections, money, space…etc.

In this workshop, you will learn how to connect with the essence of the pearl, as well as how to allow physical pearls to help you balance, heal, be restored, as well as energized.

Come join us! Some great Goddesses will come along as well. Be prepared for revitalization!

July: Female Energy, Activity & Relaxation: Healing our Essence by Creating Space for Both


Life is a combination of being active as well as taking time and space to relax.Women often feel guilty that they’re not being properly productive when they relax….there is always so much to get done. We feel that it’s OK to be completely exhausted and then rest… however that is being wiped out, it is not relaxing.

Relaxing is fundamental to receiving what we need. It is a world class secret, that relaxation is astoundingly productive. Activity is fundamental to achieve results and to move through the world….it happens well, if we also spend time relaxing.

To be healthy in all ways, we need to find a balance of relaxing, and being active. We often think that if we’re more active, we will accomplish more… We don’t generally recognize how much we accomplish when we relax. If we each truly knew that relaxing is a primary form of prosperity, health and vibrancy… We would schedule it into our calendars! We may think we don’t have time for it, however, we can’t afford not to do it.

For some of us… relaxing is no problem, but being active is. Either way you swing, we will be joining together as women to do some powerful releasing. We will let go of those things that keep us swinging to one side of the polarity or the other, and not as whole or prosperous as we could be.

Come join us as we create space between these two opposites… And in the process create more room to have a life that fulfills us in every possible way. Some wonderful Goddess healers will be part of the journey… Don’t miss this one!

August: Female Energy, Sunlight & Clouds: Renewing Your Light & Your Passions


Sunlight is essential to all of our lives. Passion regenerates in sunlight. We need to receive the sunlight into our cellular structure and into our magnetic bodies, as women. Together we will do this during the workshop. Do you have to be in the sun to receive it? You can receive it through clouds… and when you intend it, through windows and through ceilings!The clouds dance with the sun and create space for a rhythm and for creativity. The clouds contain moisture, which is feminine and helps balance our systems. In the journey of day-to-day life, sometimes it feels like clouds pass before the light that is shining our way. We may take the feelings that come up because of or within these clouds, to be a diminishment of our light, but actually they are messages from our inner beings, that will ultimately strengthen our passions. Let’s spend some time with this!

This workshop is presented in August as the sun is strong…with the seasons change and less sunlight is available, our needs change and different parts of us can be fed.

Some fantastic goddess healers will be along, as well as our guides for the year, the Griffin and the water dragon. Let’s renew our passions! Come join us.

September: Female Energy, Health & Well-Being: Healing your Nervous System


With today’s pace… and all of the electronics, it is a lot on our nervous systems. They can get pretty tight. Imagine if your nervous system was like musical strings. They could be in tune, or too tight, or too loose. Your nervous system could go either way. What we find with many women these days, is it’s wound too tight. However, for some, there’s not enough tension, and that diminishes the ability, to be motivated or inspired.When the nervous system is wound too tight, this limits our access to receiving from the divine, it constricts our light, our passions and our well-being… ultimately, it deprives the body of vital nutrients, both energetic, emotional, mental and physical.

We will release some of the over or under stimulation and begin to get the nervous system back in a nice sweet tune. This will allow us to approach our lives with much more radiance and enthusiasm. It will give us a sense of inner peace and more space to feel and experience the rhythm of our own essential frequency as it breathes gently through us.

Some fantastic goddess beings will come and give us deep healings….Creating space to restore a feminine nervous system, which calms us, brings wholeness, a light feeling, a sense of our inner tune and the souls true way of being. Come join us.

October: Female Energy & Desires: The Light and the Dark Side


Desire is a potent force. It is essential that each person find their own desire nature and learn to listen to it. It can guide us, support us, heal us and allow us live with magic.

We find many things in modern culture play havoc with our desire nature. Commercials of all forms is a good example… So much materialism… you need to buy this, eat that, go here, look like this, drive this, do that, don’t do that, etc. Then there are the desires of others close to us. We can be overwhelmed by those too. Finding a balance point between moving in the right direction to get our needs meant vs. being overwhelmed and buried, is a sacred task we will consider during this workshop.

Many women were trained to downplay their desires…. To suppress them. Other’s were taught to let them run rampant and the desire nature takes over and runs the show. There is a magical sweet spot in allowing our desire nature to help lead us forward, yet not be in charge. We will learn when to recognize when it is devouring us versus when it is allowing us to unfold gently like petals on a flower.

Come join us! There are some tremendous goddesses that will be helping us with this. This is a very exciting topic and finding our sweet spot can change our lives entirely.

November: Female Energy & how to Liberate Your Heart: With Emotion & Soul Math


In a female body liberating our hearts, will always allow our emotions to move freely and at the same time being able to set our minds at rest.Talking about math, what that means in this context? It’s how we add things up or add, subtract, multiply and divide in our thought structures. An example of bad math, is this person was cruel to me therefore, there must be something wrong with me. That’s bad math… That’s about the other person… It has nothing to do with your value. A good math example is; I know the universe loves me and right now, I feel extremely frustrated. Let me see what this feeling is telling me, so that I can understand how it wants me to move through my life….when I am frustrated…the universe still loves me.

When we are able to balance the emotions with our minds deductions… There is enough space for our hearts to fly and for them to open, feeling alive and free.

We will be releasing some of the dysfunctional formulas… Letting go of old emotion, stuck emotion, other people‘s emotion and whatever’s in our way… With the goals of creating more space for our heart to live freely within us. To use the heart as a wonderful part of our inner guidance system.

We will have some tremendous healing goddesses working with us to help us in this deep work. We look forward to having you on the journey.

December:Female Energy, Prosperity & the Song of the Spheres: “Healing with Mother Mary & Angel Gabrielle”


The song of the spheres is a rich and potent music that happens all year round in the celestial realms. At this particular time of year, it is amplified and the amount of light and color pouring from this music and into us, as an uplifting and healing vibration is very potent. When we open to it… It allows us to raise our vibration and begin to receive a tremendous amount of prosperity. When we can receive that, then we can begin to be magnetic to it and attract it in our lives. With our busy lives and perhaps the baggage we carry, it can get challenging to really tune into this. In this workshop, we’re going to let go of some of the baggage and create more space within, to be serenaded by this incredible wonder. Angel Gabrielle will open some tremendous gateways for us and Mother Mary will do deep healing on our ability to receive the abundance of the season and be magnificently healed by it. The magic of the season is ours, if we simply take the time and space to receive it.

Goal: receive the gifts and abundance, so we can take them into the new year and prosper in every way! Come join us, experience the healings of Mother Mary and Archangel Gabrielle as well as a journey into a place to feed your feminine soul and increase your prosperity.