Telepathic Channels, Part 2

“Deprograming your Telepathic Channels: Liberating your Higher and & Lower Minds”
Parts 1 & 2
Think too much? How much of that is really you and how much is it you becoming the effect of telepathic chatter? Noise in the head, spurs us into all kinds of mind spins. Imagine a TV playing 100 channels all at once and your trying to listen; what do you hear? A cacophony! It’s impossible to discern anything! Its just noise. Often we THINK this noise needs to be solved or we match their energy of it and lose out space to it. Not too fun, is it?
Imagine: You enter into a coffee shop in mid stream of your own morning magic. You are in a clear state of enjoyment; perhaps just loving the morning, perhpas in communiion with the divine or loving some great music or…. The people in the coffee shop: 1/4 are on face book posting inane chatter, 1/4 are worried about work and finances, 1/4 are obsessing about realitonship issues (deeply emotional) and the rest are either in their own flow or just confused. So what happens to you when you hit the telepathic storm? Are you able to stay centered and not pick all that stuff up?….Or do you go from feeling well to suddenly remembering a challange or a problem or a worry hits the runway of your mind like a jet taking off on an international flight! In other words, are you in some way being distracted from the glory of your own inner flow?
Why are we so vulnerable to this? Well, first of all there are A LOT of out of control telepaths all over the place. Perhaps you had some in your household or in your neighborhoods or schools growing up? They may have been so loud that your wave lengths got programed very early on to accept certain types of input without discrimination. Perhaps you were just sensitive & very tuned in and thus overwhelmed? Perhaps you kept the channels open out of survival to know what was going on so you could be safe? (The survival could be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.) There are several platforms we may have programing within here and we will address them.
All this input can disrupt the flow of the inner voice. We are going to heal the flow patterns of the inner voice and work to restore that as the number one, not the telepathic chaos streams as number one. 🙂 If the telepathic streams are the right ones for you to tune into then your inner voice which is a touch stream with your higher self and the divine will know that and be able to help open those channels.
We will: Clean out the telepathic channels, Re-set the volume, heal the channels for the inner voice and begin to remove several different types of programming out of the telepathic channels.
We will also say hello to the difference between broad band and narrow band telepathy. There are certain types of programming’s that are unique to one or the other. we will learn the difference and clear out some layers.
Going different places and being able to stay in flow with our inner voices, vs. the voices of the many!
Knowing when we are thinking our own thoughts vs. someone else’s. Being able to identify the mechanics of upper and lower mind and works with both to live out lives with peace, clarity, enthusiasm, magic, hearing the divine and understanding our own communication vs what we are channeling telepathically.
Come and join us for this 2 part workshop where we will create some dynamic healing and increase our awareness 10 fold!

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Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!