Relationships, Part 1
Deprogramming Relationships, Part 1:
Clearing the Programming Out of Your Ability to Have Relationships; Creating Clarity in the Dimensions of Me, You & Us 😍
Parts One and Two & Three
Relationships are amazing and we have so many. We have the relationship with ourselves, our higher selves, our bodies, our families, Great spirit, mother earth, Friends, family, maybe a significant other, pets, co-workers, neighbors, etc. There are really so many different relationships for all of us; it is astounding! It can be really fun and rewarding and joyous or it can be a labyrinth of great pain and confusion, For most people it’s both. Let’s create a lot more clarity and freedom in all of these spaces!
Louis Bostwick said the one thing that a soul needs more than anything else, so that they don’t starve, is communication. We know that when the energy in the relationship space between any two people or entities is clear, real, honest and truthful then validating communication transpires. The soul experiences a myriad of miracles; Everything gets lighter, more expansive and there’s more space in every way.👏
One of the other things we know (ha ha) is that when a lot of foreign energy gets into any relationship space, then we start to have a whole different experience. We often have confusion, miscommunication, angst, competition & untold challenges. These challenges often have very little to do with the individuals in relationship. For each of us, this can cause us to fall into a state of isolation, invalidation, pain, fear, uncertainty, etc., often the programming for this to occur & the way that it happens is very deep, we’re going after it!
Some of the programming that will discover has perhaps been with us for a very long time. Some of it will be unique to the particular relationships but we will discover that much of it is all across the board.
Another aspect of the relationship space that we will approach: What happens when we start projecting our personal images and dreams into the relationship space? Why do we do this? How do we do this? What part of us does this? How do we become more aware? The goal is to be able to own our own dreams and visions and cooperate with others in relationship to achieving them. This is far healthier then projecting them; but projecting them is very common and there’s a tremendous amount of unconsciousness around it, let’s wake up and learn how to work with pictures in a way that heals us and allows us amazing communications and relationships versus getting plastered into a confusing or conflicted state that is not truth.
Then we must also consider, the masculine and feminine aspect of relationship. It’s very clear that these types of communication are very very different. If we have the wrong programming in our creativity, our relationship and our energetic spaces, then it’s very difficult to get to a win-win position in the male-female dichotomy. Do we want balance and success? Do you want to be fulfilled and satisfied? Do we want more space for understanding in the inner world & the outer world? Let’s do some deep deprogramming and create it!💫
Much communication transpires at the fifth chakra, but how much of that space is programed & keeps us from being multi dimensional beings? Might many important levels of the communication that were seeking be at the crown chakra, the third eye, the heart or perhaps the body chakras? To be truly free and whole and have great communication, don’t we need to embrace the whole energy system? Let’s clear some of that programming that would stop this.
Come and join us! We will find the programming that sits between us and many different relationships and begin to clear it out so that we can become truly free.🌅
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