Reclaiming your Spiritual Power, Part 2

Reclaiming your Spiritual Power, Part 2:
To Receive Our Answers, Our Power Must be Present
What have I done with my power (?) asks the person who is confused.
- Have I given it away?
- Have I put it in a box somewhere?
- Have I left it in the past? Have I sent it into the future?
- Did I put it into a dream? If I did, where and when is that dream?
- Have I, in someway, been told I’m not powerful and so I have let my power leak away?
- Have I made the decision, conscious or subconscious, to give it away to somebody who wants it, or demands it, or Coaxes or hypnotizes me into letting it go?
- Have I had an experience where I felt I had no power?
- Based on this experience did I make the decision it was true and simply quit using my power or simply just let it go?
- Have I in someway been programmed by anyone that they are the one who should have the power not me; so I have gifted it to them?
- Perhaps there are many of them?
- Have I given my power to somebody who looks like they could use it better than I could?
- Have I given my power to a good cause? Have I given my power to someone who intimidated me?
- Have I given my power to a system of rules or laws? Have I given my power to a family member, or friend, or neighbor?
- Have I given my power to a teacher, a leader, an artist, a writer, a leader in someway?
Well, I’m sure you can see what we’re getting out here. We find that so many people who are bright and beautiful are still somewhat diminished in when it comes to having their power and being able to fulfill their sacred journey in this lifetime. Our goal is do this in a way that is memorable and clear and connected with the divine.
Are we each able at the completion of this lifetime, to look into the eyes of the divine and say: “Yes, I remembered, Yes, I used my power, Yes, I did what I went to earth to do, Yes, I remembered what I wanted to remember, Yes, I realized who I am and I lived my life in the True essence of that, without compromising it for anybody or anything, anytime, ever.

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Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!