Healing the Mental Body, Part 2

Healing the Mental Body, Part 2
True Integration of the Souls Journey on Earth
Part one & two
The mental body is perhaps among the most misunderstood among our energy bodies. They are generally pidgin holed with learned data & filled with information gained from others; thus they become clouded with confusion.
We will help you understand the true purpose of your mental body. When you know this, then you are able to comprehend your purposes with greater clarity.
This allows us to remember who we are in relationship to what is going on within us & also within our lives. Life is vast, a lot goes on, it is important to understand it and assess where we are in relationship to our spiritual goals and purposes. Doing this allows us to grow and be able to keep alive and moving in the true and ongoing stream of awareness.
In this workshop we will look at and consider the mental body of the universe and how it interacts with ours. We will also work deeply with the Akasha and create more room to access the present time.
We will learn what our mental bodies true task is and how to give it space to do that task. We will separate the intellect, the analyzer and the functions of both of those from the the activity and truth of the mental body.
We will clear out the programing for: confusion, accumulation, density & isolation. We will clear away the programing to become the questions and answers of others, to store confusion and to store data that doesn’t serve us and just blocks the flow.
Lets get fluid and have room to know, have and discover the wonders! True knowing comes from understanding our own process, integrating our experiences and refining the gold in them till wisdom grow And flowers for us. Together we will work with the mental body to adjust to higher consciousness and the shifts that are continuous in this evolving universe!

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Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!