Healing the 4 Chambers of Your Heart, Part 2
Healing the 4 Chambers of Your Heart:
Resetting the Inner Flames
Part 2: Healing the tri-fold flame of your heart
This workshop is about:
Your heart has four physical chambers. As well it has four Spiritual Chamber: these overlap and heal the heart in the subtle levels.
Each of these 4 areas need to be clear, vibrant & fully functioning for us to live on a path with heart and receive clear and beautiful communication from the Divine. When they are clogged, they effect well being, joy, love, connection to the inner and outer worlds & our overall ability to process and create life experience that fulfills the journey of this life.
If one of these chambers is polluted, damaged, filled with pain or programming then this creates a warp in the field of our ability to receive true well being in all the other levels of our lives. Remember, the heart s the connector between spirit and boy and high self and earth and divine, its well being is essential to a healthy journey.
With each of the 4 chambers:
– We will be learning the spiritual information of each quadrant
– We will look at each quarter
-We will clear programing, foreign energy, cords, etc.
– We will heal any damage
In part two:
We will look at the Trifold flame of soul renewal renin your heart… And the grace that holds it all together.
We will consider each of these three aspects of the living flames & what they mean. We will clear out, heal, renew, rebuild, re-set each of the three aspects of living light in this level of your hearts subtle body.
After the 3 fold flame has cleared, we will ignite the grace they live within, make sure that space is clear and radiant and allow it to energize the whole system
We will conclude with visiting the secret room in your heart, acknowledging the garden of your heart and experiencing a state of well-being in all of these glorious spaces.
What wonders may take pace in this room? Come join us for some of the most essential healing yet!
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Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!