Female Energy & Unicorns

January 17th, 2024 at 5:00pm Pacific (Los Angeles)
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Female Energy & Unicorns
Living this Year in the Pure Magic of your Own Essence
Open to Women. No Clairvoyant experience necessary!
Wednesday, January 17th
3pm Hawaii – 5pm Pacific – 8pm Eastern
1.5 hours
We all know unicorns are powerful, and pure hearted beings.
They teach about the vibration of love.
Not the word, or metal concept of emotional pull.
They show us the truth of what love really is.
Would you like to get going into this year, living in a flow of miraculous love?
Would you like to receive divine love in every cell of your body?
Would you like to experience your own self love blossoming in your heart?
The unicorn is a rich and potent guide for all of these things.
She will be supporting you through this whole workshop.
She will provide you with tremendous healing, and show you the way home
to the heart of our own being where you can live in a delicious flow of love.
This can nourishes you, support you, regenerate you and help you to
remember the truth frequency of your essential self.
Unicorns hold cures for anxiety, heart ache, exhaustion, fear and worry.
Through 2024 when these things loom, you will know how to call her.
This is so inspiring.
Want to ride the magic and flow with the unicorn in 2024 ?
Come join us and she can be your mentor all year long!
To receive past classes in this series, go here.
Led by Rev. Lisa French
Founder of the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii & Magic Isle
Lisa is an Executive Director of Magic isle & of The Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii. She has been a practicing spiritual teacher & healer for 38 years.