Female Energy & True Vision
Female Energy & True Vision
How to 👁 your own glory & be nourished 💫 by it each day.
We know that each of us as women, is a nourisher and thus, deeply needs to be nourished. If true vision and seeing our glory will nourish us, shall we take the adventure into the discovery of What that is, what it means, and how to proceed?
As women most of us are trained to see our insufficiency’s versus our glory. 😢
Seeing our own glory with humility is very empowering…..🤩 yet do we have to look through a kaleidoscope of criticism or lack of self-worth, to get even close to seeing that glory?
Let’s consider:
What is glory?
Why would you have it?
(You do, even you!)
Since you do have it, how do you get past the various flavors of invalidation, in order to be able to see it, experience it and live within the music of it?
Come join us for learning exactly how to do this. We will each have some truly amazing new experiences to bookmark the seeing of our glory. We will be learning to experience it with our own inner vision each and every day.
We will all assimilate some fantastic female tools and together we will raise the vibration in our own rich feminine, liberating our vision and creating the freedom that seeing and knowing our Glory provides us in every single aspect of our lives.
When you can see your glory, it’s sustains you at work, it inspires you to be creative, it raises you up to access your full potential, allows you a whole new harmonic in relationship to your family… And when it comes to the very personal wonderful journey of simply being you… Glory Is an absolute that can feed you each day for the rest of your life!
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Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!