Female Energy & Dark Feelings
Female Energy & Dark Feelings
How to use them to Explore your Joy
There are many emotions that people consider bad, unhealthy, not ok, undesirable, etc. The Truth is that there are no BAD EMOTIONS but there are some dark ones.
If we can learn to have the dark emotions & actually to some extent enjoy them, we will be able to transform, renew & recalibrate our entire experience of having a body, a life, relationships, work…etc.
What are the “dark” emotions? Here are some and you may be able to add more to this list! Despair, frustration, rage, grief, guilt, sorrow, apathy, anger, jealousy….
These”dark” emotions are each very positive. Why? They allow us to move, grow and transcend some type of experience, thus being able to pass into a new one. Each of them are gateways: meaning they must be passed through for us to get to the higher lighter emotional states.
People who try to skip them end up in some way quagmired within them.
Ever meet anyone who denies all the dark emotions and says they choose to live only in the light ones? “I’ve transcended anger.” “Sure you have…..” That is not how things really work.
A physical body communicates with emotions, They are essential. You do not get rid of them, however you learn to work with them. If we block any of them, we are closing doors and diminishing ourselves.
Emotions are a problem when we get stuck in them and can’t get through the gateways; Or, When we become them and broadcast them….. having no idea how to allow them without roosting in them…
The trick is not to become them, but to allow them, to listen to them, to honor them. It’s like honoring a river, a geyser a waterfall,
it is there for your healing, not for your becoming. each feeling is a gateway to another dimension. As we raise our vibration the frequency of the emotions shifts too.
Come join us and say hello to each of these dark feelings, release where you resist them and allow them. When you do this you will be able to move freely in your life and in your heart.
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Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!