Female Energy & Clearing Toxicity from Our Depths

Female Energy & Clearing Toxicity from Our Depths
Cleaning out the Well
OK, as we all know, sometimes toxic energy, emotion, vibrations simply build up. October is that time of year, where we get to meet the dark-side and heal, embracing what we find.
It can take a little bit of nerve to say hello to the toxicity… Yet if we don’t it will begin to sabotage and undermine us in a myriad of different ways. Preventative medicine, is doing a detox on our own feminine.
Within us is a well, it’s a holy well that reaches into the deep feminine that we are all able to be nourished by. It’s a magic well, it’s a healing well, it’s an abundance well, it’s a well full of wishes. It’s a wealth of hopes and joys and playfulness and love.
If that well has become stagnant and there is toxicity in it….. On some level we will not feel well or certain circumstances will not go well for certain parts of our lives will not be well. Linguistics is no accident here!
Being well means that the well within is clear. If the well is dry or toxic we are lacking health, in someway our well-being is atrophying. This must be healed.
Come join us as we clean out the well. We will get some have astounding healer’s and some amazing help. We will each leave this workshop with our inner well cleared out. We will have space to receive the Clear Water’s that nourish us and provide everything for our feminine to experience. Feeding every part of our feminine, in every dimension & activity.

About Audio Downloads
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*A Note for iPhone users: If you need help downloading & accessing the .mp3 files on your phone, go here for our help guide.
Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!