Female Energy & Cherishing the Masculine & Feminine

Female Energy and Cherishing the Masculine & the Feminine
Both of Them Coming Together Within & Bringing Us Our Hearts Desires!
Cherishing is an incredible word. To cherish is to treasure, to care for, to adore. As you read this, take a moment and take a deep breath. Consider, what do you deeply cherish? How incredible is the vibration of cherishing? What does it do for your heart? 💜
We all know, that in our culture, the male-female polarity, is a really big deal. Everyone, regardless of their sexuality, has masculine and feminine energy within.
As women, inside of ourselves we have a feminine self and we have a masculine self. Often they become somewhat polarized from each other. This can be because they have different needs and desires. When this is not understood, it can get messy! Sometimes they will struggle or compete with each other… As you know….A variety of conflicts and misunderstandings can arise.
In this workshop, we will spend some time with your inner masculine and find out where he’s at, as well as with your inner feminine and finding out the same. We will create some space to cherish each of them.
Then we will move into the bigger consideration: Are they able to cherish each other? This could be a lifetime goal.
Every time our inner masculine and feminine cherish each other, great wonders will happen in our lives. Our health will be better, it will be easier to create and manifest. We will get along better with other people and certainly in our intimate relationships as well as our families. Communication with ourselves and others gets clear. Our whole lifestyle will become brighter and more glorious when the inner masculine and inner feminine honor and cherish each other.
We Find in our society, that often, people who are different than each other, may be critical of the other… They may create competition by making comparisons which may lead to hurtful judgments of each other. The same goes with our inner masculine and our inner feminine… They are so different, that often they are each struggling to get their needs met. Because of this, they may simply be unable to cherish each other.
If we ourselves can really be present for them, then they can be present for each other. They can work to make sure each other‘s needs are met… Cooperate. This is a source of a rich inner harmony that will feed us. It will nourish us every single day.
As women practice this inner cherishing, it becomes a game changer for our world.We begin to see a world in which people can recognize their differences and instead of struggling against them, they can simply respect them; possibly even honor them and maybe work up to cherishing / treasuring each other!
One of the goals of this workshop is to create this treasuring and adoring within us, in order to open, heal and unify our hearts and help us in all ways to love in the center of our hearts desires. Come join us!

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Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!