Female Energy & the Art of Female Prosperity
Female Energy & the Art of Feminine Prosperity:
Using it to Create a Tone for the Year or Simply for Life
As women, in order to create prosperity, we must first receive it. We must truly be able to hold it within ourselves, to know and understand that we are worthy to experience it.
Too often, women diminish themselves, and within diminishing ourselves. We step out of the living flow of prosperity. Too often women have been taught that, unless we do this or make this or create this, we’re not gonna get there… The minute we think that’s true, we step out of the flow of prosperity, and we’re no longer receiving it.
In this workshop, we will experience the powerful magnetic essence of our female nature. We will re-magnetize our personal feminine essence towards a prosperous reality in our daily lives! We will spend time having the experience of receiving prosperity. This will help create some space for our nervous system to be rewired to live successful in this vibration or tone.
In a female body, prosperity can be like a musical tone or vibration. We will each seek to find this vibration on an inner journey. From there, we can allow this vibration to travel through the whole year ahead of us. As it does this, that it will clear away, the blocks and open up the space for a prosperous current to run through every part of out lives.
Goal: Being magnetic and receiving a dynamic prosperity that brings powerful well-being, abundant clarity, space for freedom and joy and space to be real with who we really are, grounded in our female bodies on this glorious planet.
Note: We will have some powerful healing goddess’s come in, provide dynamic healing and assist us with all of this.
Come join us!
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Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!