Female Energy & Anger

September 13th, 2023 at 5:00pm Pacific (Los Angeles)
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Female Energy & Anger
How to Ride the Wave in a Way that Heals
Open to Women. No Clairvoyant experience necessary!
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
2pm Hawaii – 5pm Pacific – 8pm Eastern
1.5 hours
Anger is meant to be medicinal. However, we’ve seen it not look that way, haven’t we?
What is healing, healthy, female anger?
So many people have used anger as a weapon, as a punishment, just to vent, oh so many unhealthy ways for anger to be hurtful.
Women get angry for many reasons. Some of them are healing and some are hurtful. We will look at how this works, at what is the difference?
Many times, anger is simply a reaction to a boundary violation. It is a message from the body. However, there are 4 main ways to process anger. We will go over them.
Each of us will create more space! We will get more awareness and the goal is that we can all discover anger as a healing wave.
This is going to be very transformative and healing. Look forward to seeing you!
Upcoming Classes in this Series:
October: Female Energy and the Light on the Darkness: How the Divine Teaches us Balance
November: Female Energy & Living In Grace: How to use Obstacles as Stepping Stones in Attaining Grace
December: Female Energy & Letting the Stars, Divine Mother & the Seasons of Light Nourish Your Deepest Self.
To receive past classes in this series, go here.
Led by Rev. Lisa French
Founder of the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii & Magic Isle
Lisa is an Executive Director of Magic isle & of The Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii. She has been a practicing spiritual teacher & healer for 38 years.