Deprogramming Series


Each class is about 3 – 3.5 hours in duration.

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Deprogramming Class
Akashic Records, Part 3
Akashic Records
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Liberating your Awareness & Your Ability to Use Akashic Records: Family Records - Genetic Lines - Soul Personality & Body Personality Part 3 We will be Learning how to Read and use Family Records
  • When to Use Family Records
  • Accessing and using the Family Record Rooms
  • Healing Family Records
  • Your Records and your Soul Personality & your Body Personality
If time we will also look at: (this may get pushed to the next section, depending on how long family takes)!
  • Records and Marriage
  • Records and Children
To Include: Journey to the Records
Akashic Records, Part 2
Akashic Records
Members Only
"Liberating your Awareness & Your Ability to Use Akashic Records: Clearing the Programing Not to Know” Part 2
  • Increasing our awareness of the function of the Akashic records
  • How to heal your records as well as someone else’s
  • How to tell when your records have been tampered with or violated
  • How to tell when someone else’s records have been damaged and how to rectify that
  • More on Record keepers
  • More on guards for the records
  • Removing the programing to diminish your awareness of this great resource
  • Clearing out any beings between you and the records
  • Gurus and the Akashic records
  • When it is ok and when it is not Ok to enter your own records
  • When it is ok and when it is not Ok to enter someone else’s records
  • The Difference between Navigating the Akashic rereads & the Akasha
To Include:  Journey to the Records, Record Rooms & the Grand Hall of Records & Journey to the Akasha
Akashic Records, Part 1
Akashic Records
Members Only
"Liberating your Awareness & Your Ability to Use Akashic Records: Clearing the Programing Not to Know” Part 1
  • Increasing our awareness of the function of the Akashic records
  • How to heal your records as well as someone else’s
  • How to tell when your records have been tampered with or violated
  • How to tell when someone else’s records have been damaged and how to rectify that
  • More on Record keepers
  • More on guards for the records
  • Removing the programing to diminish your awareness of this great resource
  • Clearing out any beings between you and the records
  • Gurus and the Akashic records
  • When it is ok and when it is not Ok to enter your own records
  • When it is ok and when it is not Ok to enter someone else’s records
  • The Difference between Navigating the Akashic rereads & the Akasha
To Include:  Journey to the Records, Record Rooms & the Grand Hall of Records & Journey to the Akasha
Curses, Part 4: Curses & Relationships
Members Only
Removing Curses A, B & C, Part 4: Curses & Relationships How a specific relationship can be cursed; meaning with a specific person or soul & maybe for many lifetimes. Bigger though, is certain spaces to have a particular type of relationship at all. For instance... the space to have:
  • a father or mother
  • a lover - mate
  • a brother or sister
  • children
  • friends
  • a teacher, mentor, guide
  • a student or apprentice
Of course there are only a zillion possibilities but we will start here. We will focus on several of these & clear some tremendous energy, thereby, creating more space to have healthy, joyous & satisfying relationships of this type. About The "Deprogramming Curses" Series: Goals:
  • Learn the mechanics of how curses are created, inserted and implemented.
  • Learn to identify & remove curses.
  • You will learn how to remove it efficiently, as well as the energy of who placed it.
Curses are one of the very oldest techniques used to hurt, program & control people. People do it for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes they do it consciously, others unconsciously. Sometimes they know their power, other times they lash out, not knowing their power and creating lots of damage. Curses can be very elaborate and contrived or quite simple. All of them are removable, some are simple and some are very very complicated. Imagine a simple tune or a complex symphony with parts for 18 instruments.... We will consider the fundamental elements of a curse so we know how to read them. We will explore who creates curses and how is it done so we can prevent it. We will look at several types of curses. Each of us will get to remove several types of curse. Come join us for deep healing and a huge raising of our vibrations! We are here on Earth for awakening& freedom; let’s create the space to do so!
Curses, Part 3: Curses You Have Created
Members Only
Removing Curses A, B & C, Part 3: Curses You Have Created This will be all about clearing the curses we have created. We will learn to get rid of those we placed on others and those we placed on ourselves. We will also teach you to undo triple layers of curses from the same person! Questions and Answers: A. Is it possible to call back curses that you cast, like we can call back our energy? Yes. We will have a section in part 3 on undoing curses you have created. (Holy Smokes!) B. Can you curse yourself? - In the future & going into in the next lifetime(s)? Yes. Yes, you can, (YIKES!) Different techniques need to be used & we will learn and practice this. (Hurrah) C. Is it possible to be multiply cursed by the same person or in the same space with variations or curses? Multi-whammy. Yes. We will look at how to do the unlayering of this. About The "Deprogramming Curses" Series: Goals:
  • Learn the mechanics of how curses are created, inserted and implemented.
  • Learn to identify & remove curses.
  • You will learn how to remove it efficiently, as well as the energy of who placed it.
Curses are one of the very oldest techniques used to hurt, program & control people. People do it for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes they do it consciously, others unconsciously. Sometimes they know their power, other times they lash out, not knowing their power and creating lots of damage. Curses can be very elaborate and contrived or quite simple. All of them are removable, some are simple and some are very very complicated. Imagine a simple tune or a complex symphony with parts for 18 instruments.... We will consider the fundamental elements of a curse so we know how to read them. We will explore who creates curses and how is it done so we can prevent it. We will look at several types of curses. Each of us will get to remove several types of curse. Come join us for deep healing and a huge raising of our vibrations! We are here on Earth for awakening& freedom; let’s create the space to do so!
Curses, Part 2: Family Curses
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Removing Curses A, B & C, Part 2: Family Curses
  • How to Clear out Family Curses; from the Past, the Now & the Future
  • Clearing Curses from the Astral & Out of the Astral Body
  • We will deepen & review what we have learned in Part 1
About The "Deprogramming Curses" Series: Goals:
  • Learn the mechanics of how curses are created, inserted and implemented.
  • Learn to identify & remove curses.
  • You will learn how to remove it efficiently, as well as the energy of who placed it.
Curses are one of the very oldest techniques used to hurt, program & control people. People do it for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes they do it consciously, others unconsciously. Sometimes they know their power, other times they lash out, not knowing their power and creating lots of damage. Curses can be very elaborate and contrived or quite simple. All of them are removable, some are simple and some are very very complicated. Imagine a simple tune or a complex symphony with parts for 18 instruments.... We will consider the fundamental elements of a curse so we know how to read them. We will explore who creates curses and how is it done so we can prevent it. We will look at several types of curses. Each of us will get to remove several types of curse. Come join us for deep healing and a huge raising of our vibrations! We are here on Earth for awakening& freedom; let’s create the space to do so!
Removing Curses A, B & C, Part 1
Members Only
Removing Curses A, B & C: Deprograming disease on a myriad of levels Part 1 Goals:
  • Learn the mechanics of how curses are created, inserted and implemented.
  • Learn to identify & remove curses.
  • You will learn how to remove it efficiently, as well as the energy of who placed it.
Curses are one of the very oldest techniques used to hurt, program & control people. People do it for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes they do it consciously, others unconsciously. Sometimes they know their power, other times they lash out, not knowing their power and creating lots of damage. Curses can be very elaborate and contrived or quite simple. All of them are removable, some are simple and some are very very complicated. Imagine a simple tune or a complex symphony with parts for 18 instruments.... We will consider the fundamental elements of a curse so we know how to read them. We will explore who creates curses and how is it done so we can prevent it. We will look at several types of curses. Each of us will get to remove several types of curse. Come join us for deep healing and a huge raising of our vibrations! We are here on Earth for awakening& freedom; let’s create the space to do so!
Healing the Space Between Your Parents
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Healing From the Space Between Your Parents Did you get caught in the vortex’s created between them? Does this still Play out in your Life, Creations, Relationships? I know right? Wow! Yes, a space was created between your parents and you were conceived within it. Regardless of whether your parents had a one night stand, were together a month, year, years or for the duration; A space was created between them....You received your genetic material (and a lot more) from both of often we consider this; but what of the unique space that was born between them? What was in there? Genuine love? Lies and illusions? Competition? What emotional tones was it set at? Were there financial gifts of abysses in there? Was joy present or despair or? Many of us moved miles away to escape it. But did we? Maybe they split apart as they couldn’t handle it either? Maybe they are tightly together still holding it? Perhaps one or both are on the other side? Maybe we stayed close to home to tend the effects of it on one or both of them? Have we perpetuated it in our own relationships or transcended it? Does it effect your health, relationship with yourself, finances, home, family you’ve created, work, attitude, emotions,...etc. Holy moly there is a lot we will do a part one and two to make sure we address this properly. We will each look at where we may have a part of ourselves stuck in the vortex between them, see what part of that, if any, serves us? We will separate out from any part that does not serve us. THIS IS HUGE! Come join us for a powerful healing that may liberate us in ways yet undreamed of. We are here on Earth for awakening; let’s create the space to do so!
The Seven Deadly Sins
7 Deadly Sins
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Healing From the Seven Deadly Sins Restoring our Souls Rhythm on Earth A little religious indoctrination anyone? How many lifetimes deep is that? Let's clear it and create more space for heaven on Earth! Weather you were brought up in the teachings of the sins in this life or any other, you do live in a society that has been indoctrinated with this concept. Each of us is effected. Lets clear out the programing around this and gain much needed freedom! The 7 sins: A little religious indoctrination anyone? How many life times deep is this? Is it living under the surface all the time and confounding our ability to well, prosperous and free? What are these? Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Greed We will consider each one and really examine it as we consider and heal our own relationship with it. Why are these classified as the sins and what are the roots of this? We will do dynamic deprograming on each one. Which one or ones are you most affected by? Each of us generally has at least one of these that tends to sabotage us. Lets look at the gift for you in knowing and understanding your souls own choice in dancing in this life with this sin. Ahh! Is it a dance or a process of despair? Let's clear out the programming and illusions that cause us to lose ourselves and reclaim our energy, information and grace. We will also clear out some of the pain and programming of religion in relationship to sin, joy and living our greatest dreams in Heaven on Earth. From there we reclaim our own original blue print and truth.
Telepathic Channels, Part 2
Telepathic Channels
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"Deprograming your Telepathic Channels: Liberating your Higher and & Lower Minds” Parts 1 & 2 Think too much? How much of that is really you and how much is it you becoming the effect of telepathic chatter? Noise in the head, spurs us into all kinds of mind spins. Imagine a TV playing 100 channels all at once and your trying to listen; what do you hear? A cacophony!  It’s impossible to discern anything! Its just noise. Often we THINK this noise needs to be solved or we match their energy of it and lose out space to it. Not too fun, is it? Imagine: You enter into a coffee shop in mid stream of your own morning magic. You are in a clear state of enjoyment; perhaps just loving the morning, perhpas in communiion with the divine or loving some great music or…. The people in the coffee shop: 1/4 are on face book posting inane chatter, 1/4 are worried about work and finances, 1/4 are obsessing about realitonship issues (deeply emotional)  and the rest are either in their own flow or just confused. So what happens to you when you hit the telepathic storm? Are you able to stay centered and not pick all that stuff up?….Or do you go from feeling well to suddenly remembering a challange or a problem or a worry hits the runway of your mind like a jet taking off on an international flight!  In other words, are you in some way being distracted from the glory of your own inner flow? Why are we so vulnerable to this? Well, first of all there are A LOT of out of control telepaths all over the place. Perhaps you had some in your household or in your neighborhoods or schools growing up? They may have been so loud that your wave lengths got programed very early on to accept certain types of input without discrimination. Perhaps you were just sensitive & very tuned in and thus overwhelmed? Perhaps you kept the channels open out of survival to know what was going on so you could be safe? (The survival could be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.) There are several platforms we may have programing within here and we will address them. All this input can disrupt the flow of the inner voice. We are going to heal the flow patterns of the inner voice and work to restore that as the number one, not the telepathic chaos streams as number one.  🙂 If the telepathic streams are the right ones for you to tune into then your inner voice which is a touch stream with your higher self and the divine will know that and be able to help open those channels. We will: Clean out the telepathic channels, Re-set the volume, heal the channels for the inner voice and begin to remove several different types of programming out of the telepathic channels. We will also say hello to the difference between broad band and narrow band telepathy. There are certain types of programming's that are unique to one or the other. we will learn the difference and clear out some layers. Goals: Going different places and being able to stay in flow with our inner voices, vs. the voices of the many! Knowing when we are thinking our own thoughts vs. someone else’s. Being able to identify the mechanics of upper and lower mind and works with both to live out lives with peace, clarity, enthusiasm, magic, hearing the divine and understanding our own communication vs what we are channeling telepathically. Come and join us for this 2 part workshop where we will create some dynamic healing and increase our awareness 10 fold!
Telepathic Channels, Part 1
Telepathic Channels
Members Only
"Deprograming your Telepathic Channels: Liberating your Higher and & Lower Minds” Parts 1 & 2 Think too much? How much of that is really you and how much is it you becoming the effect of telepathic chatter? Noise in the head, spurs us into all kinds of mind spins. Imagine a TV playing 100 channels all at once and your trying to listen; what do you hear? A cacophony!  It’s impossible to discern anything! Its just noise. Often we THINK this noise needs to be solved or we match their energy of it and lose out space to it. Not too fun, is it? Imagine: You enter into a coffee shop in mid stream of your own morning magic. You are in a clear state of enjoyment; perhaps just loving the morning, perhpas in communiion with the divine or loving some great music or…. The people in the coffee shop: 1/4 are on face book posting inane chatter, 1/4 are worried about work and finances, 1/4 are obsessing about realitonship issues (deeply emotional)  and the rest are either in their own flow or just confused. So what happens to you when you hit the telepathic storm? Are you able to stay centered and not pick all that stuff up?….Or do you go from feeling well to suddenly remembering a challange or a problem or a worry hits the runway of your mind like a jet taking off on an international flight!  In other words, are you in some way being distracted from the glory of your own inner flow? Why are we so vulnerable to this? Well, first of all there are A LOT of out of control telepaths all over the place. Perhaps you had some in your household or in your neighborhoods or schools growing up? They may have been so loud that your wave lengths got programed very early on to accept certain types of input without discrimination. Perhaps you were just sensitive & very tuned in and thus overwhelmed? Perhaps you kept the channels open out of survival to know what was going on so you could be safe? (The survival could be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.) There are several platforms we may have programing within here and we will address them. All this input can disrupt the flow of the inner voice. We are going to heal the flow patterns of the inner voice and work to restore that as the number one, not the telepathic chaos streams as number one.  🙂 If the telepathic streams are the right ones for you to tune into then your inner voice which is a touch stream with your higher self and the divine will know that and be able to help open those channels. We will: Clean out the telepathic channels, Re-set the volume, heal the channels for the inner voice and begin to remove several different types of programming out of the telepathic channels. We will also say hello to the difference between broad band and narrow band telepathy. There are certain types of programming's that are unique to one or the other. we will learn the difference and clear out some layers. Goals: Going different places and being able to stay in flow with our inner voices, vs. the voices of the many! Knowing when we are thinking our own thoughts vs. someone else’s. Being able to identify the mechanics of upper and lower mind and works with both to live out lives with peace, clarity, enthusiasm, magic, hearing the divine and understanding our own communication vs what we are channeling telepathically. Come and join us for this 2 part workshop where we will create some dynamic healing and increase our awareness 10 fold!
Black Holes, Part 2
Black Holes
Members Only
"Deprogramming: Pain, Loss and the Black Hole: Retrieving your Life Force” Parts 1 & 2 Black Holes: Sound familiar? Have you been avoiding these black holes? (not just in you, in others too) We will be exploring and learning to understand the dynamics of a black hole, how they are created & how they function in ourselves and others. We will then learn the mechanics of healing Black Holes. Common Symptoms: anxiety, fear, the feeling that something is lost or not right but you cant quite put your finger on it. Also, Spinning, confusion, memory lapses, invalidation, fatigue, uncertainty…to name a few. GOOD NEWS: If part of you has gotten lost in a black hole or two, it can be retrieved & not only will we will learn to do this, we will do it during the class. Often these black holes are connected to emotional vortexes & or voids of total emptiness. Both of these are very overwhelming and it is easy to lose perspective completely when they come up. When this happens, and you eventually regain your awareness & senses; You can’t just blow the picture, or move out the being or programing, it is more complicated then that. Fortunately, we are going to do this in the energy level of Spiritual Kindergarten! We will learn how to identify both of these conditions that work in tandem with black holes. We will also learn how to reclaim our essence from these dark & lost places; and dissolve them. Did I say dissolve them? Yes! The emotional vortexes and voids of emptiness are dead ends and we will remove them! Come join us, we are going create lots of amusement & get tremendous amounts of energy back! This is a 2-part series. Be sure to get parts 1 & 2!


About Audio Downloads

When you purchase a download, you will automatically receive access to the audio .mp3 file. Please ensure your device is able to download and listen to .mp3 files. Please reserve the recording for your own personal use, and do not share it with others.

*A Note for iPhone users: If you need help downloading & accessing the .mp3 files on your phone, go here for our help guide.

Recommendations to Enjoy the Class

When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!

About Audio Downloads

When you purchase a download, you will automatically receive access to the audio .mp3 file. Please ensure your device is able to download and listen to .mp3 files. Please reserve the recording for your own personal use, and do not share it with others.

*A Note for iPhone users: If you need help downloading & accessing the .mp3 files on your phone, go here for our help guide.

Recommendations to Enjoy the Class

When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!