Deprogramming Series
The Deprogramming Series is a fantastic healing series for clairvoyant graduates. This is an advanced graduate clairvoyant training and healing series. It’s full of dynamic, life transforming information, as well as profound healing processes & experiences.
There is so much Clairvoyant Training Material that is not presented in the the the other classes and programs. The clairvoyant program provides the framework of all the basics, so you have the tools you need to live clairvoyantly with magic & with the work. The teachers program is a minimum of three years of profound growth with a curriculum aimed at liberating the crown chakra. The One to One program is rich, deep & profound! Yet, even with all that, there is much more & we need a place to deliver it to you! We have an astounding number of topics!
The Goal: we clear away the programs, warps, lies, beings & vibrations that are not you. Your essential frequency gets restored & comes musically hums through your being, your physical body & your subtle bodies. Your own energy, tone & vibration returns and restores you.
The most recent series is on deprograming your self from trance-medium vibrations. We found that many people were confused about trance medium energy and wondering “what is it anyway”? As well, everyone has been programed by it. The first 3 classes really help you to understand what this energy is & how to get senior to it.
Feel free to shop through them or join the current classes. Enjoy & read the descriptions for each class, some are in sets of 3 or 4 or some and some are individual. All will help you heal & transform into a brighter more joyous version of you!
Jump in, the healing is profound!
Each class is about 3 – 3.5 hours in duration.
Purchase 8 classes in this series and get one class free. (Add 9 to your cart.) Discount applied at checkout.
This series is only available for students with “Magic Isle Active Programs” or “Graduate Clairvoyant” Membership Levels.
If you are a member, please login to your account here to purchase this class. If you do not have a membership, and believe you are eligible, please go here and let us know!
Membership is free, and allows you to access graduate-level courses and/or discounts where applicable. If you have graduated from a 1+ year Clairvoyant Training Program in the Lewis Bostwick tradition, you may be eligible.
Only logged in members are able to add this class to the cart.
Deprogramming Class | Topic | Tuition | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Working with Star Beings | Star Beings | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Working with Star Beings for Healing,
Restructuring & Resetting the Foundations of Your Daily Life
To Support You and Provide Clarity, Health & Abundance
In 2020 we saw all kinds of structures get hit pretty hard. This year, we start off with healing and rebuilding the structures that support us, so they can sustain us in all the many aspects of our lives and our endeavors. To live a healthy and abundant life with tremendous awareness… We need hearty structures that will validate our lives and allow us to flourish.
We are going to say hello to & heal different structures that feed and nourish your life.
For instance; your meditation space, your schedule, your home space, your work space, your communication with your body, your communication with your higher self and more. There may be certain structures that you really want to heal & rebuild. There will be a space for that.
The Structures of our lives are sometimes decayed by layers and layers of old stuff, some that we’ve learned, bits and fragments of emotion, bursts & pops of other peoples energy and likely the combos have created a little toxicity that needs removing.
The ones that we work on; we will bring into present time, clear out other peoples energy, past time energy, emotion and really anything toxic. We will allow new information and energy to come into the structure which may completely alter it and reset it for something very transformational and much more supportive to who you are now in this body at this age in 2021.
To bring in new information and reset the structures we will be working with your higher self and record keeper but also with some of the angelic beings and Star beings, Who are completely ready to help us raise the energy a few octaves! There will be some time to visit with some of them and receive some communication about the foundations of your life and get a rapport going with them.
Join us to bring in all kinds of wonderful information, color light and Magic and reset the foundations of your life for 2021 to reflect all the wonder of your souls journey for one heck of a tremendous year! You deserve it! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Healing the 4 Chambers of Your Heart, Part 2 | Heart | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Healing the 4 Chambers of Your Heart:
Resetting the Inner Flames
Part 2: Healing the tri-fold flame of your heart
This workshop is about:
Your heart has four physical chambers. As well it has four Spiritual Chamber: these overlap and heal the heart in the subtle levels.
Each of these 4 areas need to be clear, vibrant & fully functioning for us to live on a path with heart and receive clear and beautiful communication from the Divine. When they are clogged, they effect well being, joy, love, connection to the inner and outer worlds & our overall ability to process and create life experience that fulfills the journey of this life.
If one of these chambers is polluted, damaged, filled with pain or programming then this creates a warp in the field of our ability to receive true well being in all the other levels of our lives. Remember, the heart s the connector between spirit and boy and high self and earth and divine, its well being is essential to a healthy journey.
With each of the 4 chambers:
- We will be learning the spiritual information of each quadrant
- We will look at each quarter
-We will clear programing, foreign energy, cords, etc.
- We will heal any damage
In part two:
We will look at the Trifold flame of soul renewal renin your heart… And the grace that holds it all together.
We will consider each of these three aspects of the living flames & what they mean. We will clear out, heal, renew, rebuild, re-set each of the three aspects of living light in this level of your hearts subtle body.
After the 3 fold flame has cleared, we will ignite the grace they live within, make sure that space is clear and radiant and allow it to energize the whole system
We will conclude with visiting the secret room in your heart, acknowledging the garden of your heart and experiencing a state of well-being in all of these glorious spaces.
What wonders may take pace in this room? Come join us for some of the most essential healing yet! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Healing the 4 Chambers of Your Heart, Part 1 | Heart | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Healing the 4 Chambers of Your Heart:
Resetting the Inner Flames
Part 1: Healing the 4 Chambers of Your Heart
This workshop is about:
Your heart has four physical chambers. As well it has four Spiritual Chamber: these overlap and heal the heart in the subtle levels.
Each of these 4 areas need to be clear, vibrant & fully functioning for us to live on a path with heart and receive clear and beautiful communication from the Divine. When they are clogged, they effect well being, joy, love, connection to the inner and outer worlds & our overall ability to process and create life experience that fulfills the journey of this life.
If one of these chambers is polluted, damaged, filled with pain or programming then this creates a warp in the field of our ability to receive true well being in all the other levels of our lives. Remember, the heart s the connector between spirit and boy and high self and earth and divine, its well being is essential to a healthy journey.
With each of the 4 chambers:
- We will be learning the spiritual information of each quadrant
- We will look at each quarter
-We will clear programing, foreign energy, cords, etc.
- We will heal any damage | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Regenerating Your Immune System | Immune System | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Regenerating Your Immune System:
Clearing Low Level Toxicity for Radiant Health
Having strong physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies is essential at this time. We will be clearing many layers of toxicity
We will be examining and washing away spiritual toxins that would filter through and ultimately affect the body and weaken our immune system.
We will be flushing away mental toxins that have polluted our thinking & our brains. These ultimately move into the structure of the immune system and exhaust it.
A really big one will be working on, is the emotional system and where we’ve become the effect of toxic emotions that don’t belong to us. These really compromise our immune system’s & create weak or frail places in our ability to hold our well-being in our bodies.
After clearing out and deprogramming quite a lot of toxic energy, we will work with our own essential blueprints as well
as our record keepers to rebuild our immune systems! We will also be visiting the Akashic itself, where everything comes from.
Time to bring the latest greatest into our own immune system & buff it up... strengthening it & regenerating it so we can hold RADIANCE!
Highlight: Once the healings are done:
We will be traveling to a place we can bathe our whole system in Star fire.
This will help raise the vibration, strengthen us, bring in potent magic and seal the healing energies in.
Come join us to clear out harmful vibrations & regenerate your immune system.
Goal: Move forward stepping out of the pause we are all currently in & into a healthy society with healthy bodies,
Healthy hearts, healthy emotions and healthy souls!
Caution: Doing this work may lead to tremendous peace, love, joy & freedom to live our dreams! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clearing the Frequency of Viruses | Viruses | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clearing the Frequency of Viruses
Coming Home to Our Bodies
This is the era of viruses. Some of them are made, as we know by humans. Some of them like the one prancing around China right now, is from The abuse of wild animals. There are many causes for viruses but it’s very interesting to look at them vibrationally and energetically.
Let’s Consider the definition of a virus:
A virus is a biological agent that reproduces inside the cells of living hosts. When infected by a virus, a host cell is forced to produce thousands of identical copies of the original virus at an extraordinary rate.
Interesting, isn’t it?
Virus’s vary in structure a great deal. There are common ones most people are somewhat familiar with. For instance: influenza, epstein bar, herpes, HIV, hepatitis, measles, rabies…
A general hypothesis is that many of them are preventable with vaccines....But there is no cure for them. This is not necessarily true. Right?
First of all, there are certain substances that will alter the frequency enough in ones body, that the body is able to subdue and then kill the virus. There are certainly some viruses where this has been proven true often. There are other viruses that it has not.
What viruses have in common, is that they need a host organism to live in. They also have in common that they continue to replicate themselves within the human energy system. Well..... Anything that can be replicated can also be removed.
Remember that Clairvoyant training at every level, is teaching the spirit how to work with the energy of the body. Viruses attack our bodies. If all things start as a vibration and work into manifestation.... Let’s go after the vibration of these virus’s and give the body a chance to heal or be immune!
We will address the fear around this issue… As that vibration is traveling around the planet overwhelming people and causing people to match the vibration.
If you carry a virus of any type, it might be rearing his head right now… It is very possible this is happening because it’s vibrating in sympathy with the one that’s been taking off in China....
In this workshop, we will look at the frequency of viruses… We will learn in a neutral clairvoyant way to ID their vibration and how they spread.
We will do some reading and healing as a group, to clear some of these frequencies and see how it works.
Each person in the group will also be able to work with a partner and have some very specific viral deprogramming done on their own energy systems.
You may carry one of these viruses… Several of them are extremely common like herpes and Epstein Bar and many people have them and don’t even know they have them. You may not carry any viruses, or you may have spaces where your immune system has been compromised by these frequencies and we can clear them. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Healing Schisms | Schisms | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Deprogramming Schisms:
Healing Schisms in which Souls have been Hurt:
These, Divide, Defeat, Discourage & Exhaust Us
A schism is a place inside of us where there is no union. Clairvoyantly, this looks like a crack or gap.
Schisms are unfortunately, more common then any of us want to know. They are a wound of sorts. They can get created when something hurts unbearably. When something is excruciating, we hit a point where we can take no more, if we loose our fluidity, or go unconscious at this point...a small crack can develop. Sometimes they stay small, sometimes they grow.
When our consciousness intersects the crack....Things don’t connect. At first it’s easy to simply jump around it...however the problem is dual fold. One: it can get bigger over time. Two: because it is empty and unowned....Thus it fills with pain and gets harder to traverse around.
After a while, it creates gaps in our consciousness .... We don’t really know they are there, though if we are aware, we may have an inkling. Most people have them....most people are becoming the effect of them, coping and being unable to function as well as they could.
Society in general, copes with anxieties, fears, confusion, drugs, alcohol and various other dysfunctions. We learn that these schism's are normal....They are not. They cause us to use less of our brain, less of our hearts, less of our souls and stray from our paths and the true knowledge of self.
A schism is a brutal opponent. To be whole full people, we must heal them. Until we do...we will be diminished. There is a potential for our emotions to undo us... rather then heal, strengthen, renew and invigorate us. There’s a potential fir our minds to sabotage us vs crystalize clarity and instill vertical connection. There’s a potential for our spirits to be disconnected and plummet rather then know unity and find truth. And...there is a chance for our bodies be develop varied symptoms and pain vs be fluid vehicles for the journey if a full life.
You can’t heal them by simply running energy and blowing pictures or even simple erasure. Using these tools, eventually you hit schisms and have frustrations because you can’t get around them. When people hit them, the trick is blow pictures and get into kindergarten. Sometimes people hit them and instead they blame and point fingers or they simply give up. Sometimes people seek control or sometimes they fall into a spinning chaos....… All of these can be avoided by locating and healing the schism.
Join us as we learn to truly heal them, rather then become the effect of one. Join in and reclaim your divine privilege of potential for a full and healthy being.
In this class we will look for them. We will learn the steps of how to heal them. We will each experience the process of healing from a schism and learn to do it for someone else, who is ready. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great Spirit, Part 2 | Great Spirit | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Deprogramming Great Spirit, Part 2:
Accessing the 5 Creative & Regenerative Levels of Great Spirit
For Powerful Healing, Stellar Well-being, Potent Knowledge & Astounding Love
The Great Spirit holds powerful creative energy. There are different layers, vibrations, frequencies and band widths of the original vibrations emanating from the divine that are available to each of us. Each of us is a citizen of this universe & we hold the patterns to access these creative levels when we know that. We can learn what they are and how to access them.
The main trick is knowing they are available, what they offer & how to work with them. Each of these levels is profound, powerful and exhilarating.
You will learn what each layer of Great Spirits Creativity offers and how to access & use it. Join us as we discover & experience each one!
Now....Here is the thing.....We are effected and those we know & love and heal are affected by some of the lower vibrations sitting in the collective stew. Some of these are pretty difficult and they create profound disconnection. There is tremendous competition, entrapment, ownership, hypnotism, etc., in that stew! We all need easy escape routes. We all need simple easy ways to step out of the stew pot and into clarity, freedom and awareness. This is a great era to learn to be a Psychic Houdini!
We can run energy and blow pictures and find our own essential frequency. However we often need help to raise our vibration to higher levels of well being (doing this in the body vs just running a TM energy) and connection with the divine. Once we’ve raised our vibration, there are so many things in the thick part of the collective stew which will simply not effect us.
We can then enter spaces of great brilliance and can walk through fields of darkness, heaviness and pain and be able hold our vibration... and hold it in a place of well lit splendor!
In this way we bring light everywhere we go. 🙏 Haha... spreading light vs measles or hatred or rage or fear, or...... right? Let’s raise the energy and begin to connect the collective with the higher levels if Great Spirit thus generating more paths for more people to be free, happy and awakening!
You will learn a series of meditations that are simple and easy. You can do in a short amount of time quite regularly in order to access these potent creative levels. They are full of sweet healing, gentle well-being and ✨ scintillating knowing.
You can very simply tune into these levels, each day & really raise up your vibration!
If you do any healing practice or just practice with people in general, you will be able to integrate these five levels and use them to help provide people with the energy levels, frequencies, powers & Alinements they require to get what they need!
Parts one and two will involve the teachings, the experience, journeys, crown chakra resets as well as Deprograming ourselves from the dark stew that would cause us to be unconscious to these wonderful tones of healing, having and awareness.
Come on in, the healing is staggering! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great Spirit, Part 1 | Great Spirit | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Deprogramming Great Spirit, Part 1:
Accessing the 5 Creative & Regenerative Levels of Great Spirit
For Powerful Healing, Stellar Well-being, Potent Knowledge & Astounding Love
The Great Spirit holds powerful creative energy. There are different layers, vibrations, frequencies and band widths of the original vibrations emanating from the divine that are available to each of us. Each of us is a citizen of this universe & we hold the patterns to access these creative levels when we know that. We can learn what they are and how to access them.
The main trick is knowing they are available, what they offer & how to work with them. Each of these levels is profound, powerful and exhilarating.
You will learn what each layer of Great Spirits Creativity offers and how to access & use it. Join us as we discover & experience each one!
Now....Here is the thing.....We are effected and those we know & love and heal are affected by some of the lower vibrations sitting in the collective stew. Some of these are pretty difficult and they create profound disconnection. There is tremendous competition, entrapment, ownership, hypnotism, etc., in that stew! We all need easy escape routes. We all need simple easy ways to step out of the stew pot and into clarity, freedom and awareness. This is a great era to learn to be a Psychic Houdini!
We can run energy and blow pictures and find our own essential frequency. However we often need help to raise our vibration to higher levels of well being (doing this in the body vs just running a TM energy) and connection with the divine. Once we’ve raised our vibration, there are so many things in the thick part of the collective stew which will simply not effect us.
We can then enter spaces of great brilliance and can walk through fields of darkness, heaviness and pain and be able hold our vibration... and hold it in a place of well lit splendor!
In this way we bring light everywhere we go. 🙏 Haha... spreading light vs measles or hatred or rage or fear, or...... right? Let’s raise the energy and begin to connect the collective with the higher levels if Great Spirit thus generating more paths for more people to be free, happy and awakening!
You will learn a series of meditations that are simple and easy. You can do in a short amount of time quite regularly in order to access these potent creative levels. They are full of sweet healing, gentle well-being and ✨ scintillating knowing.
You can very simply tune into these levels, each day & really raise up your vibration!
If you do any healing practice or just practice with people in general, you will be able to integrate these five levels and use them to help provide people with the energy levels, frequencies, powers & Alinements they require to get what they need!
Parts one and two will involve the teachings, the experience, journeys, crown chakra resets as well as Deprograming ourselves from the dark stew that would cause us to be unconscious to these wonderful tones of healing, having and awareness.
Come on in, the healing is staggering! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Having Your True Creativity | Creativity | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Having your True Creativity in Everyday Life:
Healing the Inflammation & Raising your Creative Process into a New Clarity
Creativity is part of who we are.
Each of us were made in the creative essence of the divine. We all hold the creative spark. We each contain your creative light and we come to Earth to practice & play with it. That being granted, Creating anything should be enormously easy, right?
In this deprogramming series… We are going to be moving out the stops! There are a lot of those. What is a stop? It's the communication from others that has come into your space and said STOP! Don't create that, don’t do that, you can’t, your not good enough anyway and blah blah blah….. What happens is we start to accommodate the stops that have been put in since we were small children and we grow around them. (This looks like when a tree grows around a piece of metal.) Then we begin to develop ourselves around & in relationship to the stops. These are in essence false view points because they’re based on false information. Let’s get rid of some of those stops! Let’s restore our true creative nature!
Let’s polish off that spark and remember who we really are.
From Lisa F:
Some years back when a good psychic colleague of mine passed over, he gave me a gift. He took me up into the veil (between this life and the other side) with him. It was open for him to go through. This was him exiting the earth plane for good at the end of his incarnation. He took me up into this Gateway, then said "look back”. I looked back at Earth and everywhere that Clairvoyant‘s were doing work and people were in the process of awakening, there was light! Tremendous light! As well, there was darkness lurking around that light… Perhaps looking to feed upon it or diminish it. He said “Never forget what all of you do and never forget who you are. You are creative sparks remembering yourselves and clearing away the delusions and lies that have been spread in relationship to that.” He looked me in the eyes and he said "keep teaching and keep remembering". I am following his advice, to the very Best of my capacity! Lets create more space to remember who we are.
So let’s talk about inflammation, which is a chronic problem in physical bodies everywhere. It’s also an emotional state, as well as a mental and sometimes spiritual state. Inflammation is what happens when the creative spark is covered in invalidation, lies, warps, various pain networks, pictures & programming. Inflammation in our bodies is a form of creativity that’s not being managed properly .... it reflects our entire lives story. The creative energy is trying to burst loose! It’s trying to clear up, open up, heal and move! It wants to be free in express itself in the present. When we are able to for fill that creative spark and heal all the places where it’s been stuck… Then the inflammation turns into enthusiasm, freedom, wonder, the journey of enlightenment, wisdom, playfulness… Sound like a good way to live? Absolutely!
Creativity involves the spark… Then it is a process. A picture is the beginning of a process. It is to set intention. But this is intentions with the powerful imagery of the soul. It’s very potent… However there’s another wave to ride to get all the way to home base. We will be working on the formulas and the process of creativity and clearing toxicity and delusions off of our own creative formulas.
Creativity, also has a depth. Sometimes we haven’t been able to go deep enough because there is some type of darkness or some powerful form of a stop. We’re going to be working to clear those out so that we can go deeper, get brighter and really get closer to our own formulation of creative light as we were designed to be by the grace that created us all.
We will get to learn about and go to the hall of creativity, which is a tremendous place of exploration, play, and Magic. It’s a great place to go as a soul and practice your creative formulas, as well as get some assistance from the creative masters.
Come join us for an absolutely Tremendous clearing! Join us, as we clear away programming, lies and illusions and other peoples ideas of the ease or difficulty of the creative process. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reclaiming your Spiritual Power, Part 2 | Spiritual Power | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reclaiming your Spiritual Power, Part 2:
To Receive Our Answers, Our Power Must be Present
What have I done with my power (?) asks the person who is confused.
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Reclaiming your Spiritual Power, Part 1 | Spiritual Power | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reclaiming your Spiritual Power, Part 1:
To Receive Our Answers, Our Power Must be Present
What have I done with my power (?) asks the person who is confused.
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Akashic Records, Part 4 | Akashic Records | $50.00 | Members Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Liberating your Awareness & Your Ability to Use Akashic Records:
Physical Locations & Karma; Healing Yourself, the Land & the Relationships
Part 4
Every physical location on Earth has its own Akashic Records. Countries, States, Districts, Areas, Valleys, Mountains, Villages, Towns, Homes, Pieces of Property, etc.
You may, in this life or others, be part of the records of a place or not. You may or may not have karma with the location.
Just like with people, some locations have their records in order, others do not. If the records in a location are damaged or depleted, peoples experiences in that place will be discordant & often messy. This can effect: health, prosperity & over-all well being of the people living in or visiting the location.
You will have the opportunity to heal a place that has effected you, is important to you, you have karma with, is simply is calling to you or is where you live, etc.
About Audio Downloads
When you purchase a download, you will automatically receive access to the audio .mp3 file. Please ensure your device is able to download and listen to .mp3 files. Please reserve the recording for your own personal use, and do not share it with others.
*A Note for iPhone users: If you need help downloading & accessing the .mp3 files on your phone, go here for our help guide.
Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!
About Audio Downloads
When you purchase a download, you will automatically receive access to the audio .mp3 file. Please ensure your device is able to download and listen to .mp3 files. Please reserve the recording for your own personal use, and do not share it with others.
*A Note for iPhone users: If you need help downloading & accessing the .mp3 files on your phone, go here for our help guide.
Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!