Clearing the Frequency of Viruses

Clearing the Frequency of Viruses
Coming Home to Our Bodies
This is the era of viruses. Some of them are made, as we know by humans. Some of them like the one prancing around China right now, is from The abuse of wild animals. There are many causes for viruses but it’s very interesting to look at them vibrationally and energetically.
Let’s Consider the definition of a virus:
A virus is a biological agent that reproduces inside the cells of living hosts. When infected by a virus, a host cell is forced to produce thousands of identical copies of the original virus at an extraordinary rate.
Interesting, isn’t it?
Virus’s vary in structure a great deal. There are common ones most people are somewhat familiar with. For instance: influenza, epstein bar, herpes, HIV, hepatitis, measles, rabies…
A general hypothesis is that many of them are preventable with vaccines….But there is no cure for them. This is not necessarily true. Right?
First of all, there are certain substances that will alter the frequency enough in ones body, that the body is able to subdue and then kill the virus. There are certainly some viruses where this has been proven true often. There are other viruses that it has not.
What viruses have in common, is that they need a host organism to live in. They also have in common that they continue to replicate themselves within the human energy system. Well….. Anything that can be replicated can also be removed.
Remember that Clairvoyant training at every level, is teaching the spirit how to work with the energy of the body. Viruses attack our bodies. If all things start as a vibration and work into manifestation…. Let’s go after the vibration of these virus’s and give the body a chance to heal or be immune!
We will address the fear around this issue… As that vibration is traveling around the planet overwhelming people and causing people to match the vibration.
If you carry a virus of any type, it might be rearing his head right now… It is very possible this is happening because it’s vibrating in sympathy with the one that’s been taking off in China….
In this workshop, we will look at the frequency of viruses… We will learn in a neutral clairvoyant way to ID their vibration and how they spread.
We will do some reading and healing as a group, to clear some of these frequencies and see how it works.
Each person in the group will also be able to work with a partner and have some very specific viral deprogramming done on their own energy systems.
You may carry one of these viruses… Several of them are extremely common like herpes and Epstein Bar and many people have them and don’t even know they have them. You may not carry any viruses, or you may have spaces where your immune system has been compromised by these frequencies and we can clear them.

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