Angels of Inspiration

Angels Of Inspiration
Inspiration: A force that causes us to create or do something. A feeling of enthusiasm that allows for brilliance, light & motivation.
There is a whole host of angels whose sole cause is the inspiring of humanity. These are amazing & bright beings that awaken us to our higher natures. One of their jobs is to help uplift us and stimulate us so we can fulfill our purposes in this life.
As humans we can get stuck in a vibration, an emotion, a picture, a situation, pain, loss, lack, an addiction, etc. There are so many ways that we can get a little lost, miss the mark or lose our way. These angels are entirely dedicated to the service of nudging us in some way…. of helping us shift, so that we can get where we need to go, achieve what we need to, be who we need to be, move the way we must, learn new things and so much more.
They may inspire us to remember something, do something, create something. They may inspire us to kindness, giving, forgiveness, compassion, love, caring, serving in some way.
They may inspire us to awaken, to see more, be more and quicken our vibrations. They may inspire us to rest or to activity. They may inspire us get pets, make new friends, step out in some way when we need a nudge. They inspire us towards healing, towards wonder, in all of the arts & sometimes to go left when we were going to go right, etc. They inspire us in choices, to turn on the radio, make a phone call or so many infinite ways.
Come join us as we learn how to work with them, when to work with them, be healed be them, receive their help &
open ourselves to their uplifting wondrous guidance.

About Audio Downloads
When you purchase a download, you will automatically receive access to the audio .mp3 file. Please ensure your device is able to download and listen to .mp3 files. Please reserve the recording for your own personal use, and do not share it with others.
*A Note for iPhone users: If you need help downloading & accessing the .mp3 files on your phone, go here for our help guide.
Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!