Angelic Healing & Meditation ~ Jamaeerah Angel of Manifestation

April 1st, 2024 at 6:00pm Pacific (Los Angeles)
Please note: All times are scheduled in Pacific Time (Los Angeles). Click here for a date / time conversion tool.
To enroll in this series on a monthly, recurring basis, please go here to subscribe.

Angelic Healing & Meditation Monthly Series
April Meditation: Jamaeerah Angel of Manifestation
Open to all. No Clairvoyant experience necessary!
Monday, April 1st
3pm Hawaii – 6pm Pacific – 9pm Eastern
No prerequisite, this 1 hour – 1.25 meditation is open to all.
It’s Spring. Working with the Angel of manifestation is just right when it comes to planting seeds,
As well as to birthing your dreams in your life.
This is a fantastic angel to have on your team as you go to create your reality.
What are your hearts desires?
What is it your dream to manifest?
Jamaeerah can and will open the space for your dreams to manifest.
Last month was Paschar who helps us have our true visions and dreams.
Jamaeerah then can help us bring the dream into a manifest state.
This angel brings the pure love energy from the eternal…it is so potent it whirls a powerful force through’ your dreams and visions so they manifest.
This is perfect for spring.
Come join us!
About the Angel Meditation & Healing Series:
The entire cosmos is guided, managed and animated by myriad hierarchies of conscious angelic light beings. In someway, they are all messengers or agents of the divine. They work together in an intricately & infinitely glorious and well orchestrated system. They are brilliant communicators & healers who have profound gifts. You will find that music, light, vibration & color grace the way in which they communicate.
You will receive the opportunity to learn about each type of angelic being, as well as how to connect with & establish communication with them. You will get to experience their healing for yourself, as well as learn how to help provide for others.
The whole hierarchy of angelic beings and principalities is quite elaborate and complex. In this meditation series, we will focus on those angelic beings that can come into direct contact with us. They can help us have brilliant clarity with ourselves & with Great Spirit during our lives on Earth!
Each month you will also receive some suggestions for continuing your meditations and your perception of these wonderful beings throughout the month. The intent is to be able to integrate the wisdom, healing and medicine they hold, into your busy lifestyle, as well as within your daily awareness / consciousness.
There are many types of light beings who administrate well-being for all of us and for the earth.
To purchase past classes in this series, go here.
Future Classes in this Series:
April 2024: Jamaeerah Angel of Manifestation
May 2024: Micah Angel of Divine Plan
June 2024: Angels of the Emotional Plane
July 2024: Raziel Angel of Knowledge
August 2024: Jophial Angel of Creative Power
September 2024: Rafaela Angel of Joy
October 2024: Angels of the Etheric Plane
November 2024: Mihr Angel of Relationship
December 2024: Holy Trinity of Angels
You can join any one of these workshops or you can sign up for the whole series. Should you miss a class/meditation, not to worry, you will receive the download.
Led by Rev. Lisa French
Founder of the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii & Magic Isle
Lisa has been teaching spiritual classes for over 35 years and has been learning and growing with the angels throughout her adult life. The angels have asked her to bring their medicine forth and help people understand with greater clarity, how to have it & how to access it.
“Wow and whoa. That was a BIG healing. Today, I woke up a new person with more of me in my space and noticeably lighter. That was an especially powerful healing experience for me! Those were really fun angels to be around. I’ve noticed the past couple meditations that despite multiple angels hanging around during the healings, for me, it has been helpful to hone in on one in particular and communicate with them. It hadn’t occurred to me to ask what specialties an angel of a particular group has, so that was cool to see. I’m going to try that more going forward. Also, this time, being guided to take a few deep breaths right from the start reeeeally helped my body. Why is it so hard to remember to breathe?? LOL Also, it was my first time hearing about angel’s tears, so that piqued my interest! I surprised myself with how much I was ready to let go of. My eyes were dripping the ENTIRE time, wow.”
“It was a very powerful healing–the second round especially I was sliding off my chair a little and my eyes were very drippy! I really liked the music playing for a tiny bit today during the first round of healing, it helped me open up more space to receive. I really enjoy having the mix of quiet and Lisa’s narrating what’s happening. I was able to see lots of cool imagery, and shift more deeply into trust.”
“I always love the conferences with Clairvoyant Center. Life changing.”
“It was great. Saying hello to [my] house angel has brightened my home, I noticed my collie is very content.”
“There was a lot of information provided on top of the actual meditation and healings. It was a very rich and potent class.”
“Powerful and beautiful experience. Reverend Lisa French is the doyen of guided meditations.”
“The whole experience was energising and replenishing, truly felt renewed…Looking forward to the transformations ahead.”
“Lisa led a beautiful journey. I feel shifted to a new level and totally enjoyed the evening. What a blessing. If they had Oscars for mediation leaders she would get one! Just love these gatherings.”
“The class was healing and enlightening. Highly recommend the series.”
“Wow, thank you. Today feels like a totally different experience than before the session. I am incredibly grateful!!”
“I absolutely love the guided meditations and healing I’ve received thru CCH & Magic Isle. They have truly been transformative. You don’t even know!! Lol! I came out of last nights meditation with such clarity and inspiration. Since I’ve been doing the energy work and meditations (bout 3 months) my life has changed dramatically for the better.”