Akashic Records, Part 4

Liberating your Awareness & Your Ability to Use Akashic Records:
Physical Locations & Karma; Healing Yourself, the Land & the Relationships
Part 4
Every physical location on Earth has its own Akashic Records. Countries, States, Districts, Areas, Valleys, Mountains, Villages, Towns, Homes, Pieces of Property, etc.
You may, in this life or others, be part of the records of a place or not. You may or may not have karma with the location.
Just like with people, some locations have their records in order, others do not. If the records in a location are damaged or depleted, peoples experiences in that place will be discordant & often messy. This can effect: health, prosperity & over-all well being of the people living in or visiting the location.
You will have the opportunity to heal a place that has effected you, is important to you, you have karma with, is simply is calling to you or is where you live, etc.
- Increasing our awareness of the function of the Akashic records
- How to heal geological records or essentially, the records of a place
- How to tell when planetary / place records have been tampered with or violated and how to rectify that
- How to heal yourself and your records in relationship to sending time in a place with damaged records
- Record Keepers for locations
- Removing the programing to diminish your awareness of these great resources
- Clearing out any beings between you and the planetary records
- When it is ok & when it is not Ok to enter & or heal or repair planetary records?
To Include: Journey to the Records & Record Rooms for Planetary Locations

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Recommendations to Enjoy the Class
When you listen to the recording, it’s as though you’ve stepped into our Magic Isle classroom, so we recommend you approach it as though you were taking the course live. Grab a comfortable seat, turn off your cell phone or other distractions, and fully give yourself space to enjoy the experience. You’ll get a lot more out of it when you fully participate!