Magic Isle Blog
Clairvoyant Seeds

About 40 years ago, I went to a flea market and found a book on crystals. I also bought a small piece of quartz crystal. I had no idea what to do with it all. I let it simply fill a shelf for a long time, until one day my curiosity erupted.
I began to read the book, and in it, they said to cleanse the quartz crystal with salt water for three days and then to put it under your pillow f& sleep on it for or 30 days, to attune it to your vibration. I thought, what the heck, I’ll try it. I had no idea what I was doing, but it seemed like a fun adventure. So, I followed these instructions.
After the 30-day process under the pillow, I took out the crystal and opened up my book again to read up on what to do now. I really had no idea.
The book told me to close my eyes and imagine that I could enter the crystal and meet whoever was there and receive healing. I thought, “OK I’ll give it a try.” I had never heard of anything like this before or tried anything of the sort, but I was game.
I entered the crystal. I found myself to be in the middle of a round room with many, many, many sides, like facets of the outside of the crystal. It was filled with a warm light. I was amazed at how warm and thick the air was, and I was intrigued. There was a counter on one side labeled Information, so I went and talked to the woman standing behind the counter. She was lovely with these bright stars in her eyes. She pointed out, that all around this room were little doors, I was told that behind each door was a different type of healing therapy. Some had signs that they were occupied. She pointed out a door that said: How get rid of problems. She said I was expected there and most welcome. I knocked on the door, & I entered. I found there was something like a massage table and a standing beside it, was a jovial man who invited me to sit on the table. I Remember that he had the most beautiful, sparkling blue eyes and a wonderful type of sweet but thunderous charisma. I knew I was in the presence of a powerful being, but I felt very safe.
I had never done anything like this before, I got on the table. He put his hands on me and he told me he was starting to ground all kinds of things out of me that didn’t belong to me. I allowed this. It was a wonderful feeling. I had a heightened sense of well-being as he worked on me… It went on for a while, and I started feeling cleaner and softer. There was a Radiance of sweetness about everything. When he was done, he really looked at me and I looked into his eyes. He told me I would need to rest after this and then I might be tired for a couple days, but that I would be very energized and feel inspired. He also told me, that he’d been looking for me. He says that soon he would find me in the time and space world. I had no idea what he was talking about, I mean, he lived inside of a crystal, right? I conveniently forgot that last part about him finding me, that part was a bit too much for me at the time.
Well, I came back from that little meditation and slept the rest of the day… And for a couple days I was definitely a little woozy… The healing had been so very deep. But after that, just like he said, I felt amazing, it was truly wonderful. I felt awake and alive, inspired, and energized in a way that I don’t think I ever had before.
Soon after this, I began to seek spiritual training. I really didn’t know what that was, but I felt a deep calling in my soul for something more. Had this idea there must be tools of some sorts & I needed them. I realized that there was a lot I didn’t know that I needed to know, and I wasn’t sure where to look. I definitely had some challenges finding what I was looking for. However. eventually I found a Clairvoyant training school started by Dr. Lewis Bostwick. (That’s a story for another time).
I was about three months into the training, when I was doing a healing meditation and that wonderful man with the sparkly blue eyes who had given me a healing inside the crystal appears. Oh, my goodness, him again! He said all kinds of interesting things to me. It felt like he was a dear old friend, and I trusted him.
Soon after that, the door of our classroom opened and my healing teacher announced the arrival of Lewis Bostwick, the founder of the Clairvoyant work. I was staggered! It was the man who I had met inside the crystal!!! He did, indeed find me.
This whole experience made me dizzy with the wonder of true spiritual synchronicity. It shook all kinds of things around in me. I felt a Frisian of life, the universe, and all kinds of things, that I thought I had been making up. I realized that truth was a big, deep, wise wonder. I was enthralled, startled, and somewhat overwhelmed. Beyond it all however, I was validated, a way I wasn’t used to feeling, something new, and rather exciting.
I couldn’t figure out why he would be looking for me? Why me… I’m no one. At the time I still didn’t really know, but I was extremely grateful, and I felt like I was definitely on the right path! I had questions that couldn’t be answered at the time, so I surrendered them up to the wonder of the situation. I was truly learning that somethings simply need to be a mystery, until they’re not.
I was so excited that I found this amazing Clairvoyant training. I was very young and very vulnerable, and I could’ve ended up a lot of other training places. There were quite a few, where the spiritual integrity was often lacking. I found myself feeling profoundly grateful that I had taken this funny sideways journey into a crystal that helped me find safe & thrilling Clairvoyant Training.
All these years later, when I look back at that story, it still makes me cry and shiver a bit with gratitude… I also know part of why Lewis was looking for me. He wanted people who could find that state of wonder and teach this profound work…so here I am teaching it, sharing it, and really loving it.
if you’re looking for a place that’s safe & held in spiritual integrity… if you’re looking for miracles, magic, and synchronicity, I invite you to come join us at the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and Magic Isle. There are some profound things happening.
Lewis is on the other side now and has been for quite some years. I still communicate with him often. We find that new students and those that have been in our training longer… If they begin to talk to him, he meets them there, with amazing gifts of teaching and communication. Some of them just find him, he’s a profound and sparkly Spiritual Teacher…. He’s kind and funny and simply wants us to discover who we really are, and you know what? There’s nothing better. Discovering who we really are, in a playful wonderland of spiritual kindergarten, it is the most exciting journey of a lifetime.

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